‘Communists Did The Right Thing’: Berkshire Hathaway Chief Charlie Munger Praises CCP’s Authoritarianism, Oppression – IOTW Report

‘Communists Did The Right Thing’: Berkshire Hathaway Chief Charlie Munger Praises CCP’s Authoritarianism, Oppression

National Pulse:

Following criticism of the Chinese Communist Party’s financial and regulatory system, Ma disappeared for months from the public eye. Many suspected he had been arrested or even killed by the Chinese Communist Party.

While Ma has since been seen in public, Chinese authorities have summoned him for questioning and quashed his forthcoming Ant Group initial public offering (IPO).

To Munger, however, the “Communists did the right thing.”

The establishment Republican billionaire, who claimed Donald Trump wasn’t “morally qualified” to be President, made the claim on a CNBC feature with Becky Quick focused on his relationship with his longtime business partner Warren Buffet.

Speaking about financial regulation in the U.S., Munger asserted that “the communist Chinese behave the way I am talking in favor of, and our own wonderful free enterprise economy is letting all these crazy people go to this gross excess.” more here

13 Comments on ‘Communists Did The Right Thing’: Berkshire Hathaway Chief Charlie Munger Praises CCP’s Authoritarianism, Oppression

  1. Globalist is a polite, pleasant sounding obfuscatory label for uber wealthy people who want all power to flow from them. Sorry, Charlie, but the CCP is 100 years ahead of you. You would not last a month under their system. The flick of a switch would put you into a 100 SF hovel in a 100 story highrise.

  2. These financial institutions pose a real threat. A few of them have already instituted a Social Credit Score. If you’re a Conservative, no money for you. Another George Soros concept.

  3. Another of Lenin’s “useful idiots.”

    “The last capitalist will sell us the rope with which we hang him.”

    Oh, just to be nit-picky – CCP is Totalitarian – NOT Authoritarian.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When I see fuckers like this, I believe that Adrenochrome is involved.

    He’d love Red China, the party elites have a never ending supply of fresh human organs.

  5. About five years ago, I was having a conversation in Omaha with a guy from there who was bragging about Warren Buffet. When he got finished with his verbal tongue bath of Mr. Buffet, I told him that Warren Buffet would someday be one of the most hated men in America. The goofy bastard could barely speak at what I had said. I still believe that.


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