‘Community Notes’ destroyed this FBI post on MLK Day – IOTW Report

‘Community Notes’ destroyed this FBI post on MLK Day

The FBI thought they could get away with a fluffy little Martin Luther King Day post without suffering the consequences.

15 Comments on ‘Community Notes’ destroyed this FBI post on MLK Day

  1. “Man, I’d hate to be the FBI employee who put this tweet out.

    Like, how do you not know?!?”

    …he probably doesnt know.

    Communists don’t teach history.

    They rewrite it to suit themselves at any given moment.

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
    -George Orwell, “1984”

  2. …rewriting history is how the Democrat party, the pro-slavrery party, got Black people to vote reliably Democrat against the Republican party that was FOUNDED as an antislavrery party. Teach some lies in school, claim the parties switched labels somehow under Nixon, and promise free stuff while teaching race hatred and here we are today…

  3. The FBI remains as corrupt, it’s more covert than ever. Many operations against US citizens and Elected Officials will never be known.

    The FBI has been corrupt for decades under J Edgar Hoover. Hoover became FBI director of the FBI in 1924 and served until his death in 1972.

    Hoover’s FBI became notorious for its political intelligence gathering, obscenity investigations, secret files and targeting of African-Americans, gays, war protesters and leftists.

    The (FBI) began monitoring Martin Luther King, Jr., in December 1955, during his involvement with the Montgomery bus boycott, and engaged in covert operations against him throughout the 1960s.

    In 1967, the FBI created a COINTELPRO against “Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,” which targeted SCLC, King, and other civil rights leaders. King was identified as a target because the FBI believed that he could become a “messiah” who could unify black nationalists “should he abandon his supposed ‘obedience’ to ‘white liberal doctrines’ (nonviolence) and embrace black nationalism”

    Just the tip of the iceberg, even today most of the FBI corruption during the Hoover years, and ever Director since, has been hidden or destroyed.

    The FBI is not to be revered and are NOT your friend.
    If you become the interest of the FBI, you will be slandered, Harassed, falsely accused, destroyed financially, possibly die of an all out FBI swat team or mysteriously die in your own home.

    The FBI remains corrupt, Wray if just the keeper of secrets and perpetrator of future corruption.

  4. Typical leftist tactic. The FBI attempting to blindside the public with that tone deaf MLK Jr. “tribute”. Most don’t know the FBI’s true involvement with the Civil Rights leader.
    The FBI is definitely a scathing facist organization that represent the weaponized arm of a socialist regime. Their purpose – protect the State at any cost.

    That means creating a pool of reliable operatives who will not only “snitch” on so called subversive groups, but also spread the message that the State is the source of benevolence based on absolute loyalty to the State. The foundation of Marxism.

    The most useful assets turned out to be black Americans who put their trust by coercion or force in liberal political ideals while at the same time, originally living as moral conservatives. Black churches were the perfect platform. That hasn’t changed, despite how deviant black culture has become. Perplexing as that seems it’s how socialism was incorporated into the culture.

    What I find very frustrating is most conservatives have no clue that Martin Luther King Jr. was an FBI operative. Ghandi was his hero. Starting in his teens he was a true believer in socialist ideology and tried to combine that with Christianity – a terrible agenda. The two are diametrically opposed.

    MLK Jr.’s promotion of Civil Rights, a strategically disguised leftist scheme to infiltrate and indoctrinate groups considered “useful” is undeniable. A more careful analysis of the “I have a Dream” speech reveal socialist thought is proof.

    The fate of FBI operatives that can no longer be controlled inevitably are targeted for elimination. More than likely the case with MLK Jr. He was harassed, threatened and assassinated by possibility the FBI because his usefulness ended. He knew the price he was paying as an operative. He stated just as much in one of his last speeches.

    Heroes are difficult to find. It’s so understandable that a black preacher from humble beginnings, speaking about justice, unity and love leaves such a positive impression. However, a closer look shows MLK Jr. is a actually hero of the left. He was a RINO. A globalist vision was more of a priority for him than patriotism.

    Be aware. The narrative alone can be deceiving. You should know the process by which objectives are attempted to be achieved. For example, if the way to seek justice is based on the lies of socialism you can expect crippling constraints on all inalienable rights. No alternatives.

    It’s unfortunate MLK Jr. was blind to the fact The Constitution of The United States was a true source of freedom and liberty. He probably was so duped by oppressive, fascist Southern Democrat unconstutional Jim Crow laws he couldn’t see the forest for the trees.

    I wish I could credit MLK Jr. for promoting freedom, but his actions and philosophy had a negative effect on the people he wanted to liberate. In particular, suppressing black Americans from benefiting from all the rights and liberties they were already given by God and confirmed by the US Constitution.

    Therefore, Martin Luther King Jr. Day will only remind me of the fact compromising with the left is utterly fruitless, oppressive and results in destruction.


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