Company Creates Gun That Looks Like a Cellphone – IOTW Report

Company Creates Gun That Looks Like a Cellphone

USN: Sometimes you want to carry your gun in peace, but people keep drawing attention to your piece.

gun phone

This very issue plagued Kirk Kjellberg, the creator of Ideal Conceal, a gun that folds up to look like a smartphone.

“A boy spotted me in [a] restaurant and said loudly, ‘Mommy, Mommy, that guy’s got a gun!’ And then pretty much the whole restaurant stared at me,” Kjellberg told NBC News.

He developed Ideal Conceal to avoid those awkward situations.


14 Comments on Company Creates Gun That Looks Like a Cellphone

  1. What I’d like to know is how he was carrying in the first place so that a child could spot him “printing” with his gun.
    There are ways to carry so that it’s NOT so obvious, even when you bend over. Carry cross-draw, with your gun on your opposite hip, and the butt pointed to the front (not your back).

    Overall, I would rate this as a solution in search of a problem (my worst rating).

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