Compare – IOTW Report


What has the democrat party become?


ht/ hw

8 Comments on Compare

  1. You know, if JFK were around today, he’d be considered a conservative. During his short administration, he cut taxes, beefed up the military, and made Castro think twice about military strategy.

    This is how low the Democratic Party has sunk. That noise you hear in the background is Harry S Truman spinning in his grave.

  2. Whats really bad is that instead of Republicans holding firm with conservative principles as the dems went far left, is that we’ve also slide left.

    Don’t bothering comparing the dems of ’63 with today’s dems because they’re 2 entirely different parties. There are no Humphreys, Daleys or Jacksons, in fact there’s no one even close to them in todays’s dems. Their contender for president is a vehement socialist who doesn’t have a clue about economics and is supported by 10s of millions of dems.

    You can’t say the dems of ’63 have “evolved” into today’s dems, you have to say someone has been putting giant pods under their beds and they’ve awoken & turned into crazed totalitarians.

    Instead, look at Republicans. In the 50s, Ike instituted Operation Wetback with lots of support from the public. Today even uttering the word wetback will get you excommunicated from public life forever.

    We have a Speaker that supports open borders and refuses to even submit a budget. The final opponent to Trump went to the border and gave soccer balls & teddy bears to 100s of incoming illegal aliens.

    These R pols go to DC and they transform into OverLords. At least the dem voters know that there’s no doublespeak from their guys. They promise to give it to us good & hard and they deliver.

    Rs promise fiscal sanity and instead institute new entitlement programs and $500 Billion deficits. Rs promise immigration reform & a wall and instead fund an invasion of “syrian refugees” and illegal aliens. Rs promise to repeal ObamaCare and instead fully fund it.

    Really, is there any wonder that Trump is riding a whirlwind?

  3. Jeffersonianism: Govts are instituted to secure the rights of individuals so that they may seek their own enrichment and empowerment.

    Obamunism: Govt exists to force people to do what it tells them is for their own good but actually is for govt enrichment and empowerment.

  4. One is white who has some class and his wife too. The other is black with no class, and wife who no one knows if it’s a man or a woman. Proves the difference between black and white.

  5. First sack of shit philandering bastard financially enslaved America’s children with overwhelming federal employee pension debt with executive order 10988 allowing them to collectively bargain.

    Second sack of shit left-handed asswipe is currently enslaving America’s children to bullshit fking izlame. Ain’t no bargain.

  6. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could use a Star Trek type transporter to transpose the current asshole in charge into the seat of that limo in Dealey Plaza approximately 1/2 a second before the bullet hit Kennedy in the head?

    The headline would have been:

    In A Twist Of Poetic Justice, Unsatisfied Communist Eliminates Unsatisfied Communist.

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