Compare and Contrast: Bloomberg Spend $935 Million to Lose, Trump Spent $66 Million to Win – IOTW Report

Compare and Contrast: Bloomberg Spend $935 Million to Lose, Trump Spent $66 Million to Win

Conservative Treehouse: I can’t stop laughing….

According to the New York Post Michael Bloomberg spent $935,360,675 in his failed attempt to win/buy the democrat presidential nomination.

13 Comments on Compare and Contrast: Bloomberg Spend $935 Million to Lose, Trump Spent $66 Million to Win

  1. Aw, c’mon, Micro Mike! Go ahead and take $64,639,325, pile it up, and set it on fire. Make it an even BILLION DOLLARS.

    If a fool and his money are soon parted, then he must be the biggest damned fool in the history of the world.

  2. A billion dollars b/c of his ego! Why not take that billion and a few more from your friends and go clean up Baltimore or Detroit or LA? Because it’s about power and ego, right Mayor Farquaad!

  3. That’s the difference between a TOTAL WINNER and a TOTAL LOSER right there.

    Hey Mini Mike! All that blown cash could have helped TONS of American families in need right now but you were too busy plotting to take away their guns instead. 🖕

  4. Not only that, but President Trump went up against the democRAT machine when it was all tuned up for the National election.
    Bloomberg lost to a bunch of buffoons running around a clown car while performing the proverbial Chinese Fire Drill for the flippin Primary!
    Yuuuge difference!

  5. Something about “lipstick on a pig” or “a turd in a tuxedo” or … well, there’s an old saying somewhere about something that’s relevant.

    “Jewelry on a porcupine” no … that’s not it … “HRC’s diamond-studded sock puppet” … no …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. A few months ago, Micro Mike said even if he didn’t succeed that he’d maintain his staff and keep spending at the same rate through November for the campaign of whoever the dem candidate turned out to be.

    He lied.


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