Comparing Donald Trump And Barack Obama’s First Press Conferences In Office – IOTW Report

Comparing Donald Trump And Barack Obama’s First Press Conferences In Office


President Trump defended his performance during his first four weeks in office and criticized the “out of control” media during a hastily assembled press briefing at the White House on Thursday.

Here’s how his first briefing as president measured up to Barack Obama’s on Feb. 9, 2009.

Trump’s opening statement was nearly three times as long as Obama’s.

Trump: 3,547 words. Obama: 1,196 words.

And that was before they took questions from the press.

Trump’s lasted almost 90 minutes. Obama’s was right at an hour.

Trump lambasted the media and denied ties to Russia.

“Unfortunately, much of the media in Washington, D.C., along with New York, Los Angeles in particular, speaks not for the people, but for the special interests and for those profiting off a very, very obviously broken system,” Trump said. “The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. Tremendous disservice. We have to talk to find out what’s going on, because the press honestly is out of control. The level of dishonesty is out of control.”

“I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia,” Trump said. “I have no loans in Russia. I don’t have any deals in Russia. President Putin called me up very nicely to congratulate me on the win of the election. He then, called me up extremely nicely to congratulate me on the inauguration, which was terrific. But so did many other leaders, almost all other leaders from almost all of the country. So that’s the extent.”

“Russia is fake news. Russia — this is fake news put out by the media. The real news is the fact that people, probably from the Obama administration because they’re there, because we have our new people going in place, right now.”


8 Comments on Comparing Donald Trump And Barack Obama’s First Press Conferences In Office

  1. I wish some friendly journalist had asked President Trump this question:

    “During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office, enchanted you the most about serving in this office, humbled you the most and troubled you the most?”

    Maybe next time.

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed during a presidential press conference, or been more entertained. For the past 8 years, I’ve had quite a few fcuk yous, even Booosch Jr. elicited a few of those. You usually can see, painfully, right through the bullshit of press conferences. Calculated, selected, sterilized, rehearsed, lame, etc.

    So far, The Donald is saying everything that I would and in the same tone, right down giving CNN a yuge fcuk you! Nothing with Trump appears to be rehearsed or polled, it is what it is and he genuinely appears to be working his ass off for me.

    I like that.

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