Compilation of Hilarious Reactions to the Andrew Gillum Hotel Incident – IOTW Report

Compilation of Hilarious Reactions to the Andrew Gillum Hotel Incident

31 Comments on Compilation of Hilarious Reactions to the Andrew Gillum Hotel Incident

  1. The sad thing about this is… it was too late to make BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2020. It could have been a contender for the Smollett and Governor Coonman festivities. Last year will be hard to top.

  2. Ruin his political career? Really? Is that all that matters? His wife and children are at the top of the heap for whispers behind the back wherever they go, yes, even in church. The undeserved pain in that family needs a whole lotta prayers right now. My heart aches for Gillum’s victims.

  3. So will this finally kill the silly ‘black lives matter’ trope?

    Cuz it ain’t ’bout being black, it’s about having green. And political power.

    Shouldn’t this be your empowering lesson to the ghetto chillren, Oprah?

  4. Candice Owens-brain bleach alert-said she saw pictures of blood & feces on the bed sheets. Cause nothing says great sex like pulling out a blood & shit encrusted dick. Me? I’ll pass. On the right if I have to.

    Some people go through their whole lives without leaving blood & feces on their bed sheets. I know, amazing isn’t it?

  5. I Do No Care about people sexual tastes. I have met Good and bad of every culture, religion, and sexuality.

    I only care that he, like everyone else who wants to rule our lives, is a moral less fraud, liar, and hypocrite!

  6. I’m with the Mule on this one. Since when did fuggin’ crystal meth become a gay drug?

    Pretty sure I remember it was for staying alert for 12 hour motorcycle rides and… the kitchen floor with a tooth brush.

    Not exactly a “sexy” drug.

    I thought gay people did cocaine and other expensive party dope.

  7. Bro, I gots the coronavirus…whatchu got?

    Nigga, I just found out I got the Aids thang.

    Bro, let’s mix em up, see what we gots.

    Nigga, you on…the more diseases we gots, the more free-ass shit the govmint gonna give us.


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