Complaint: CNN Makeup Made Biden Look ‘Pale and Pallid’ – IOTW Report

Complaint: CNN Makeup Made Biden Look ‘Pale and Pallid’

CNN Blamed by Biden Family for Joe’s Poor Debate Showing: Make-Up Made Biden Look ‘Pale and Pallid.’

34 Comments on Complaint: CNN Makeup Made Biden Look ‘Pale and Pallid’

  1. He came out yesterday to bitch about SCOTUS ruining their fascist dreams. He was angrier than he was at the SOTU as he read the words some kid wrote on his teleprompter. When he finished spewing his bile he, of course, turned around and walked away without taking any questions.

  2. I don’t play well with Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Jihadists, Obama supporters, sniveling, belly aching, finger-pointers and that goes double for that awful bitch Hillary and triple for the low IQ, kiddy-sniffing, slack-jawed, drooling, one-handed, meatslapping, liar who spends his day playing Mr. Bubble in the bathtub… and that makes one more thing to stitch up SNS!

  3. Wylie1
    TUESDAY, 2 JULY 2024, 8:17 AT 8:17 AM
    “With democrats it’s always someone else’s fault. You’ll never hear one say “I accept full responsibility.””

    …Janet Reno did after ordering the murders of children in Waco, but it meant nothing. It was a lie like everything ELSE they say but she DID say it…

  4. Seems to me he was always a pale beady-eyed prick. Hey, Demoncraps, you know what would make him look less pastey? Don’t keep him in the basement (or Camp David) for weeks at a time.

  5. I hate to say it, but the people in power who could have stopped a a lot of Biden nonsense, and who are now piling on him, did little to nothing to stop the disaster created by Biden and his handlers. In fact, they blithely signed off on most of it. Biden’s cabal could throw much sharper darts than CNN powder-puffery if they wanted to.

    And maybe they will do so, as the struggle intensifies and the other cabal, which thought they had Biden under complete control, finds out that their shuffling, mumbling monster has an able and loyal retinue which knows how to play their wicked game, and plays it with the real power of the Presidency—and not somebody’s “third term”—behind it.

    Many masks will slip in the next months, and no amount of pancake makeup can conceal the horrors which lie beneath.

  6. …they probably DID make Pedo more pale, but in service of their larger agenda.

    Keep in mind theres text and subtext in play here, and the subtext may not even be known to Pedo.

    They stole the election for HIM for a couple of reasons. Yes, they DO like being able to destroy America and advance their totolitairian agenda hugely by using this gibbering, drooling, vacuous diseased pervert as the Mouth Of Sauron and fall guy, but there was ANOTHER purpose for using him SPECIFICALLY.

    They want to do as much damage as they can to the older White male BRAND, to thoroghly discredit and poison the idea that an experienced White man can be a competent and effective leader, to try to make sure only easily controlled incompetent DEI hires get to be the puppet going forwards.

    They needed THE most obnoxious, THE most visibly incompetent, THE most petty and vindictive, THE foulest, most perverted, most narcissistic, vainglorious, hubis-filled idiotic bumbling White male they could FIND for this role, a tyranically minded Napoleon complex that would nevertheless be FAR too weak and cowardly to EVER try to do anything other than they say.

    I do believe that, in that, they have succeeded

  7. They will not succeed because God will not be mocked no matter how hard they try to destroy America. That is my fervent belief, and our only hope lies in trusting God and not in a worthless weenie like bidumb and the democrap party and all their evil allies.

  8. Brandon is no longer useful to them. Watch and learn how much the progressive movement cares about those they exploit. It’s going to be illustrative to anyone who pays attention and is currently feeling like Democrats feel about them.

    FWIW, the establishment Republicans are just as bad, many of them are worse when it comes to this kind of shit


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