Complaint: Harvard’s Chief Diversity Officer Plagiarized and Claimed Credit for Husband’s Work – IOTW Report

Complaint: Harvard’s Chief Diversity Officer Plagiarized and Claimed Credit for Husband’s Work

It’s not just Claudine Gay. Harvard University’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, appears to have plagiarized extensively in her academic work, lifting large portions of text without quotation marks and even taking credit for a study done by another scholar—her own husband—according to a complaint filed with the university on Monday and a Washington Free Beacon analysis. more

14 Comments on Complaint: Harvard’s Chief Diversity Officer Plagiarized and Claimed Credit for Husband’s Work

  1. Hey, that lily white skinned guy Biden did it and he got to be president of these the United States so stop picking on us poor people of color for committing that self same crime in order to get unearned, but much desired, high paying jobs and sinecures!

  2. I suppose I’m the only one who doesn’t know the answer to this question but what exactly is the purpose of having a chief diversity officer? Are diversity officer and high class welfare recipient synonyms?

  3. I do not know this for a fact:
    The porportionality of the ranked structure charts indicates that the one with the longest nails and even longer eye lashes are usually the ones at the head of those departments rankings in dei ratings.
    Fact Checks, Please
    Thanks You
    You’re Welcome


  4. It started with Fauxahontas.
    That CRIME, still not answered for, nailed Harvard to the wall of shame. Dishonesty, lack of any Ethics, stupid woke ideologies define Harvard as unserious and unworthy of ANY respect at ANY level.

    It was a prestigious Divinity school for centuries. Whoever initiated/planned its destruction hates America and will be punished by God.

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