Complaint: McConnell Challenger Matt Jones Illegally Funding Campaign – IOTW Report

Complaint: McConnell Challenger Matt Jones Illegally Funding Campaign

Radio host denies his own candidacy despite filing.

WFB: A radio host’s recently launched campaign to unseat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has violated campaign finance laws, according to a complaint filed by the Kentucky Republican Party.

Kentucky Democrat and sports radio host Matt Jones, who launched his bid to unseat Kentucky’s senior senator in September, is accused of violating Federal Election Commission regulations prohibiting campaigns from taking corporate donations. The party’s complaint argues that Jones is accepting corporate contributions from iHeartMedia, which syndicates his radio show, and Simon & Schuster, publisher of his upcoming book Mitch, Please!

State GOP chairman J. McCauley Brown accused Jones of ignoring campaign finance laws and attempting to “conceal these violations from both the FEC and the public.” read more

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