Concealed-Carry Group Expects Pittsburgh Convention to Be Their Biggest Ever Despite Opposition – IOTW Report

Concealed-Carry Group Expects Pittsburgh Convention to Be Their Biggest Ever Despite Opposition

WFB: The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) is holding its fifth annual Concealed Carry Expo in Pittsburgh this weekend. The group said it expects to draw between 10,000 and 20,000 people despite backlash from some city council members.

Tim Schmidt, USCCA president, told the Washington Free Beacon he expected the event would set a new attendance record for the group.

“This is our 5th annual convention and we’re expecting our biggest attendance,” he said. “We have over 200 exhibitors so pretty much every cool gun, holster, and accessory company will be there. We also have a mobile firing range where folks can try out different handguns. There are 34 classes on day one and even more on day two and three. There’s tons of opportunity for folks to learn how to be a responsibly armed citizen.”

He said the expo will also feature some of the top firearms trainers in the world as well as a live taping of the group’s show Proving Grounds and won’t be focused on firearms sales like an average gun show would be.

“Unlike what the mainstream media think; this isn’t like a gun show, it’s more of an expo,” Schmidt said. “So, it’s really focused on education, training, and consumer awareness.”

That opportunistic forecast for attendance at the event comes even after a city council member attempted to have the event canceled because he said it “makes a mockery of” the murder of 11 people in an anti-Semitic attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue last October. Council member Rev. Ricky Burgess sent a letter to the committee on finance and law demanding the expo be canceled as well as one to Tim Schmidt telling him the event “has no place in Pittsburgh.”

“I am asking them not to come to Pittsburgh and not have this event given the recent tragedy at Tree of Life as well as ongoing violence in our communities,” Burgess told the Incline. “The last thing we need is something to advocate guns. We have 300 million guns in the U.S. and an untold number of homicides and serious shootings. We need less guns, not more.”

The event will proceed despite Burgess’s objections.  more here

16 Comments on Concealed-Carry Group Expects Pittsburgh Convention to Be Their Biggest Ever Despite Opposition

  1. ” …We need less guns, not more.”

    …no, jackass, we need less guns in the WRONG hands and more guns in the RIGHT hands.

    People who go through the bother of legally purchasing a gun AND legally obtaining a CCW are NOT the liberals that go around shooting up synagogues, but they ARE the ones to STOP it.

    …time and again, we’ve seen that the only thing that stops the BAD guys with guns…are GOOD guys with guns.

    This event expands and trains the GOOD guy pool.

    The BAD guys aren’t interested.

    …the BAD guys care NOTHING for your laws, they’re all armed ANYWAY, and I’m pretty sure yoh ALREADY have laws against illegal USE of guns, like shooting up synagogues. Did your laws STOP it? Yeah, that’s what I THOUGHT…

    …the Jewish folks at the synagogue should have an institutional memory of a nation that once had Government control of ALL the firearms.

    …that nation had some pretty big ovens, too, as I understand it, and I seem to recall them using their PERFECTLY CONTROLLED guns on the gunless Jewish folk to invite them to to see the insides of those ovens…

  2. …and if you consider the paradigm of the City, State, and Federal politician as shepherds who are supposed to be looking out for we helpless sheep, keep in mind that the relationship between shepherd and sheep can be problematic at times…

    “Mary had a little lamb
    Whose fleece was white as snow.
    And everywhere that Mary went,
    The lamb was sure to go.

    One day Mary saw that meat
    Cost much, which didn’t please her.
    Tonight, she’s having leg of lamb,
    The rest is in the freezer.”

  3. Gun grabbers aim their laws at those who obey laws, not those who ignore them.

    That’s why those laws never seem to do anything to reduce the illegal use of them against those they claimed they would protect.

  4. Try as I might, I currently have a difficult time loading up on more ammunition and guns. I see deals everywhere, unlike the years between 2008-2016. 10’s of thousands upon 10’s of thousands of rounds and a bunch of hardware to shoot it. Yet, I cannot get motivated enough to buy more!

    Don’t be like me, especially if you don’t have or have a limited supply. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Things may change dramatically over the next 6-12 months. Prices are at their lowest now, go out and get some!

    I’ll get off my ass soon. The next year might be the last opportunity to get more for less.

  5. “I am asking them not to come to Pittsburgh and not have this event given the recent tragedy at Tree of Life as well as ongoing violence in our communities,” …

    …the BEST tribute that Pittsburgh could give if they REALLY wanted to not only RESPECT the Tree of Life tragedy, but ALSO to say “Never Again” and MEAN it, would be to PAY for it’s members to GO to the Convention.

    …the way to best protect Jewish people is to ARM them.

    …as they could tell you in modern day Israel…

    …or in the Warsaw Ghetto during the Nazi occupation…

  6. Yo Rev Ricky! When asked what he needs most, John Wick replies, “guns….lots of guns…”

    And to all my fellow 2A friends, when confronted by some gun-ignorant soccer mom or fascist gun-grabbing leftist, explain to them your guns are not an “arsenal”. They are a Collection.

    My favorite argument goes like this, “so gungrabber, you think I have too many guns? Have you ever played golf? Okay then I think you should only be allowed one golf club. Go play with your putts elsewhere!”

  7. old_oaks MAY 18, 2019 AT 9:14 AM

    True gun control is the elimination of the ammunition. And the elimination of ammo is truly accomplished by eliminating the components to reload your own. This is also ultimately accomplished by eliminating the source of PRIMERS. No primers, no bang. Some might say the hoarding of tens of thousands of primers is unnecessary or wrong headed. Primers, powder, brass and the bullets to “roll your own” is the only way to truly secure your source of ammo. Even this limits how many rounds you may have.

    Few years back the primers became difficult to source and it was interesting how some looked at the ones who had laid in a supply. Weren’t so stupid after all… Primers are widely available right now. Why would you not lay in a supply of what you need to load for weapons you use on an ongoing basis.

  8. The ‘debate’ will never end, because leftist handlers pass on the message to their useful idiots that this about ‘safety,’ when it really is about disarming the rest of us in order to rule over us and loot the treasury.

    For us, there is no ‘safety’ in being disarmed, period. We see the 2A and the big picture behind its purpose.

    Give up your 2A right, and you give up the rest of your rights.


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