Concerned FBI agent started an ‘enhanced validation’ of Christopher Steele, but bosses stopped it – IOTW Report

Concerned FBI agent started an ‘enhanced validation’ of Christopher Steele, but bosses stopped it

Just The News:

Concerned by Christopher Steele’s behavior, a frontline FBI counterintelligence agent in the Russia probe initiated an “enhanced validation” review of the informant’s credibility in the fall of 2016 but was stopped by superiors, according to explosive Senate testimony made public on Friday.

The enhanced validation process would have subjected Steele’s dossier and his intelligence work to experts outside the FBI counterintelligence division that was managing the former MI6 agent as he manufactured his case — later debunked — against Donald Trump for colluding with Russia.

The blocked internal review kept the FBI from getting a more complete picture of the flaws in Steele’s source network and the reliability of his work, even as the bureau continued to represent to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that Steele’s dossier was reliable enough to justify a warrant targeting the Trump campaign, the testimony shows.

The agent disagreed with his superiors, who cited concerns they didn’t want Steele’s work known outside the FBI’s counterintelligence division. “At the time, I understood the answer, but I disagreed with it,” the agent testified. more here

9 Comments on Concerned FBI agent started an ‘enhanced validation’ of Christopher Steele, but bosses stopped it

  1. What difference does it make that all these documents are coming out now? Why didn’t they come out when they would’ve changed the course of things possibly?

    And who really believes that anything will happen because of these. “Bombshell “ revelations. The only reason they are coming out now is because everyone knows nothing will happen to anyone involved in this. Diane Feinstein is already talking them down. And with the complete censorship no happening no one will get the real truth.

    If we had any in Government with courage, this would’ve all been taken care of and people would be in jail. But as we don’t we now have Joey Biden as our faux president until they can get the real communist president in place.

    The two-tier system of justice is securely in place.

  2. “Hells Angel Sonny Barger many years ago said “The FBI are the rottenest lyingest *********** on the face of the earth.” I think he was correct.”

    Found this one on another forum that I visit…


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