Concert Canceled after ‘Woke’ Mob Complained about White Performer’s Dreadlocks – IOTW Report

Concert Canceled after ‘Woke’ Mob Complained about White Performer’s Dreadlocks

Neon Nettle:

Reggae musicians performing at a bistro in the Swiss city of Bern were forced to cancel their concert after spectators accused the white musicians of cultural appropriation for having dreadlocks.

The German-speaking reggae group Lauwarm was scheduled to perform at the Brasserie Lorraine in Bern on Monday the 18th of July.

But the concert did not last long as patrons complained they were uncomfortable with the band.

The complaints allegedly stem from the fact member so the band are white and wear their hair in the dreadlocks hairstyle.

The ‘woke’ mob accuse the group of “cultural appropriation” more here

26 Comments on Concert Canceled after ‘Woke’ Mob Complained about White Performer’s Dreadlocks

  1. if you snivel about cultural appropriation, don’t wear blue jeans, drive a car, listen to the radio, get off the internet, and STFU about diversity. if you snivel about cultural appropriation, you are saying we have to tolerate diversity but we can’t share in it

    they wallow in hypocrisy

  2. A German band playing Reggae and the peeps got shitty about their dreadlocks?

    Swiss must be about the dumbest assholes on the Earth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Time for bands to start writing into their concert contract, to the effect, “if YOU (venue) cancel the concert due to whining SJW Libtards, WE (the band) get to keep ALL (no prorating) the money (plus gate)”.
    Let that be enforced a couple of times, where the venue loses big bucs and comes close to bankruptcy, the venue will start enacting policies of its own to eject whining Libtards (no refund, clearly printed and stated ahead of time), and let the concert continue for the enjoyment of everyone else.

  4. When black women stop dyeing their hair blonde and straightening their hair and therefore culture-appropriating the white race, I’ll pay attention. In the meantime, they can stfu.


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