“Concussion”: Air Force Academy Releases Report On Racial Hoax – IOTW Report

“Concussion”: Air Force Academy Releases Report On Racial Hoax

DAILY CALLER: The U.S. Air Force Academy has released a 174-page report of an investigation into anti-black racial messages that turned out to be a hoax.

An African-American cadet candidate who wrote the messages initially attempted to blame two of his classmates for the writings, the report shows. The writings appeared on message boards outside of his own room and that of four other black cadet candidates on Sept. 25.

That perpetrator later blamed a concussion for his actions after failing a polygraph test conducted on Oct. 24. The hoax incident was shared with the media on Nov. 7.

The report, obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation through the Freedom of Information Act, also suggests investigators had suspicions about the suspect early on in the investigation.

The incident, which occurred at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School in Colorado, gained national attention after Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria gave a speech denouncing the incident.

“Go home n***er,” read the message.

Silveria gathered Air Force Academy cadets and faculty two days later for a speech that went viral and earned him interviews on CNN.

“And if you can’t treat someone from another race or a different color skin with dignity and respect, then you need to get out,” Silveria said in the speech, suggesting that he believed at the time that the culprits were not African-American.

He also cited racially charged events in Charlottesville, Va., and Ferguson, Mo., to extol the “power of diversity.”  MORE

17 Comments on “Concussion”: Air Force Academy Releases Report On Racial Hoax

  1. I didn’t vote for barry because I didn’t like his policies. (I still don’t.)
    My BIL voted for barry because “It’s time this country had a black president.”

    Who’s the racist?

  2. Let’s see: All of the gov’t agencies are filled with dishonor. The operational leaders of our military spend their time rewriting training manuals, accommodating trans-whatevers, our schools are in permanent lock-down and arresting babies for playing “war” with each other and trying to grow themselves up despite every adult effort to stifle every natural instinct in them, Leftist-run cities are going bankrupt spending 2050 dollars on pensions for people who watch porn all day or sit in a warehouse not doing their jobs. Seventeen kids were murdered a few weeks ago because the people hired to protect them were too busy bilking us for more federal money. The Air Force, Naval and Coast Guard academies, and West Point have been destroyed by every kind of disappointing behavior, so pedestrian, one would find any of their crimes in a local police blotter — which means their rolls are filled with the worst and the dumbest. We all know that there are plenty of superior people in this country to fill the academies’ coveted slots who happen to have more melanin in their skin, so color is not the issue; the people running these places is. I could go on but it is making me ill.

    Can we all agree that gov’t in this country, at every level, has been a colossal failure? It’s looking like eight years of POTUS Trump is barely enough time to write all the wrongs, let alone right them.

  3. I’m not certain the unnamed cadet is the one suffering a concussion. Given the doubledown stupidry of Lt Gen Silveria to assume the cadet was telling the truth before a complete investigation, then continue the farce after its proven the cadet made the whole thing up, I’d say Silveria was the one who hit his head.

  4. A group I manage was invited to perform at West Point in 2011. Civilians who worked there spoke in whispers about the politicization of people at the top.

    Respected commanders were accused of sexual and other abuses and quietly resigned. They were replaced by left wing ideologue brown nosers.

    It’s like the “political officers” on every communist ship in a Tom Clancy novel.

    I hope they’ve been replaced but wonder if there are enough up and comers who have not been warped by leftist totalitarian education to make a difference.

  5. With all the proven hoaxes today this “Commander” showed extremely poor jump to conclusion leadership.
    I agree with EE, he needs to be the one to go.
    Also, does it appear by his writing the culprit is functionally illiterate?
    Another black privilege candidate bites the dust.

  6. Democrat alternate report. Just because the claim was a hoax doesn’t change anything. The AF academy practices institutional racism. This cadet should be promoted Lt General immediately to offset 400 years of oppression.

  7. Secretary Mattis:
    Lt Gen Silveria and every other social justice/diversity military leaders should be swept from their positions of influence.

    Stop the erosion of leadership in our military.

  8. “I want whoever posted this message in my office within the hour. If you don’t show up, when I find out later, you’re be drawn and quartered then dis-honorably discharged.”

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