Condoleezza Rice Also Rejects Hillary’s Claim That Colin Powell Told Her To Use Personal Email At Dinner Party – IOTW Report

Condoleezza Rice Also Rejects Hillary’s Claim That Colin Powell Told Her To Use Personal Email At Dinner Party

YC: Hillary Clinton has been throwing around this strange story about how Colin Powell told her to use a personal email account at dinner one night and that’s the only reason why she did it.

Colin Powell basically responded with, “Um, no I didn’t and stop telling people that.”

Now, Condi Rice is saying the same thing.

From Daily Caller:

Former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice has no recollection of a conversation at a 2009 dinner party where Hillary Clinton reportedly claims that Gen. Colin Powell advised her to use a personal email account.  MORE

13 Comments on Condoleezza Rice Also Rejects Hillary’s Claim That Colin Powell Told Her To Use Personal Email At Dinner Party

  1. If only EVERY person on the Right interviewed about Hillary on this would always go back to the CORE OF THE MATTER:

    it’s NOT the emails, it’s the corrupt character of the person who illegally set up the servers, operated a pay-for-play racket, and NOW wants to be President?!?

  2. Until they, and others, clearly and unequivocably characterize Hillary as the sociopathic LIAR she is, then it’s all just Okie Doke.
    Call her out, dammit, and opine that she should be prosecuted for breaching national security and putting America’s finest in mortal danger!

  3. “Condee” Rice is GOPe to her bones – RINO approved. Not impressed with her defense of Powell, even if Hellary is the cause. She’s just trying to avoid being associated with Hellary’s latest smear campaign.

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