Confessions? – IOTW Report


Gen Wesley Clark Reveals US Plan To Invade Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran.

10 Comments on Confessions?

  1. If this clown told me the sun sets in the west, I\’d want a second opinion.

    He is as trustworthy as Clapper and Brennen and has always mixed his political opinions with his duty to his country. He is a lib, always has been.

  2. He said this 8 years ago or so.
    A presentation at the Annapolis Naval Academy about 20 years ago ……or more, the lecturer laid out the plan. Wesley must have got it from him.

  3. Ok just for the record, the USA has war plans for probably every country in the world including for invasions of Great Britain, Canada, Mexico, etc. The existence of the plans are not secret although the plans themselves are. They have them just in case of some unforeseen issue and they use those war plans as a basis for where to start planning an actual invasion. Just some shit the military does is all, nothing sinister about it.

  4. Taylor,
    Contingency plans?
    Keep the guys in “War Plans” busy and up to snuff?
    Isn’t that how the Schlieffen Plan came into existence?

    Good to know that someone in the Armed Forces is concentrating on things other than perversion.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. First of all he was on Democracy Now, a left wing loony bin show.
    Second, I don’t trust that weasel as far as I can throw him.
    He also seems unaware that Lybia, Somalia and Sudan are part of Africa.

  6. @Taylor

    War games on paper and theory, taught at War College in Alabama.

    from Wikipedia:

    “ Headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, its higher headquarters is the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.[2] It is one of six war colleges within the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase II Education Program for commissioned officers.”


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