CONFIRMED: Democrat Operative Was Given Secret Internet Connection to Network Where Ballots Were Counted – IOTW Report

CONFIRMED: Democrat Operative Was Given Secret Internet Connection to Network Where Ballots Were Counted

Gateway Pundit- This is big.

Emails show that Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Wisconsin state lead for the National Vote at Home Institute, was given secret internet access at the hotel convention center where ballots were counted in Green Bay. Read more here

8 Comments on CONFIRMED: Democrat Operative Was Given Secret Internet Connection to Network Where Ballots Were Counted

  1. I just don’t understand why this is still going on. We all know the election was rigged, cheated or otherwise compromised. But no matter the evidence, just like ALL leftist crime, nothing will be done! They laugh at the puny efforts.

    Besides, the congressional mafia has ensure future elections are eunuchisized. . Smug, grifting criminal bastards.

    CONGRESS is the American cartel, making the mafia and other cartels look like children’s tea parties.

  2. “This is big.“

    No, it is not. It is a waste of the time that it took to stick it on the interwebbies.

    It’s not going to change one fecking thing. Not one thing.

  3. It really is a shame this took months to surface. Because “there is no evidence of widespread election fraud” is chiseled in stone on the courthouses.

    That, and a shameless lifelong shit-for-brains, who’s in addition now senile and incontinent, has been installed as President of the USA, the leader of the free world.

    Which explains how Joey can give billions to criminal border violators without a shred of hesitation.

  4. I’m mot seeing anything defining illegal activity with this, there would have to be further explanation made to show it was done for nefarious purposes, along with evidence of it, to show anything illicit or illegal going on.

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