Confused Pelosi is heartbroken over Scalise’s ‘death’ – IOTW Report

Confused Pelosi is heartbroken over Scalise’s ‘death’

This twitch should be sitting inside a round room playing Checkers with waterproof game pieces that have pictures of George W. Bush on them.

American Mirror: Nancy Pelosi can’t even get through a short statement about the attack on a colleague without botching it.

The House Minority Leader was addressing reporters on Thursday when she began referring to the “death” of Rep. Steve Scalise, before catching herself.

“Our hearts are broken over the assault that was made, really on all of us,” Pelosi said, referring to the left-wing activists rampage against Republican members of Congress and their staffers during a baseball practice on Wednesday.

“But personally heartbroken over the dea— uh,” she continued, pausing, closing her eyes and lowering her head, “of what happened to Steve Scalise, our colleague,” she finished.  more here

14 Comments on Confused Pelosi is heartbroken over Scalise’s ‘death’

  1. “Our hearts are broken over the assault that was made, really on all of us,” Pelosi said.

    Yea, Nancy, that assassin was certainly aiming for you the Dimwits so go ahead and feel sorry for yourself and continue to be confused.

  2. That picture of her braying like a jackass is priceless. Its clear her brain is starved of oxygen rich blood, but she could dribble out about any sewage and she’ll have the fevered dems nodding their approval.

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