Confused South African Medical Community Says Omicron Variant Only Has Mild Symptoms, “We Do Not Know Why So Much Hype” – IOTW Report

Confused South African Medical Community Says Omicron Variant Only Has Mild Symptoms, “We Do Not Know Why So Much Hype”


The Times of India, a media outlet previously very skeptical of Big Pharma, is reporting from the South African Medical Association that officials are puzzled about the hype around Omicron.

The variant has only produced mild symptoms in regional patients with very little impact.

JOHANNESBURG: “The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes, Angelique Coetzee, the Chairwomman of the South African Medial Association told sputnik news on Saturday.” … “We will only know this after two weeks. Yes, it is transmissible, but for now, as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it.” (read more)

Occam’s Razor – The new variant is being hyped because international governments need it to be hyped.  The biggest threat to politicians and the global financial system attempting to Build Back Better via enlarged government spending, is not COVID; the biggest threat is anger from the citizenry over the inflation the government spending and buying of debt is creating. MORE

9 Comments on Confused South African Medical Community Says Omicron Variant Only Has Mild Symptoms, “We Do Not Know Why So Much Hype”

  1. Tell the African’s it’s because there is a mid-term election coming up and Joe Biden has fallen in the polls and Leftists need all the help they can manufacture.


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