Congratulations to Squinty & Meat Puppet. All it took was a Hemlock Martini – IOTW Report

Congratulations to Squinty & Meat Puppet. All it took was a Hemlock Martini

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:
We’ve spent most of the last four years making fun of, excessively degrading, and pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Joe & Mika and the soft skulls at MSNBC.  But now, in these troubled times and in the spirit of reconciliation, we humble ourselves and congratulate the Dynamic Duo of Morning Political Drama Talk for being Numero Uno in that always important media time slot when most of America is shitin’ shavin’ and showerin’, or thinking about the ecstasy of their morning caffeine fix,  or screaming to stop shoving Cheerios up your little brother’s nose!!
But be careful Joe, and don’t strain your elbow patting yourselves on the back.  Just remember, as your hero Barky O’ once said, “You Didn’t Build That.” more here

18 Comments on Congratulations to Squinty & Meat Puppet. All it took was a Hemlock Martini

  1. Comparing their donkey show to the recently decimated Foxnews numbers is a pretty low bar, but, achieving something that for 20 years has been unachievable is good, I guess.

    Believe it or not Scarborough at one time was a rock solid America first/small government/fiscally restraining/ principled conservative. Chasing pussy and money beat that right out of him, now he is paid mouth piece for the DNC, how proud his parents must be.

  2. F4UCorsair: It’s like baseball. Twenty years from now people will be laughing at Barry Bonds but will be seething at Curt Shilling. Being a stupid voice box for the other side is one thing, being a traitor to yours is something else.

  3. My gym (which is closing this afternoon, thanks Newsome, you wanker) has MSNBC locked on the TV in front of my favorite StairMaster machine. I’m always amazed at the gaggle of goons, the posse of pusillanimity, the aggregation of aggrieved race-baiters that parade in front of the camera with nothing more original to say than Trump is Hitler, a racist who will destroy our democracy, and getting paid for it in the process. Who said America ain’t great?

  4. Believe it or not I have never watched their show. I’ve read and heard so much about them (and seen them on YT clips, etc.) that, to me, watching them would have been like taking the time to watch Maury Povitch or that other guy whose show is all about paternity tests and flying chairs. Yeah, Jerry Springer. I’ve never been a watcher of those daytime talk shows with spirit mediums, psycho-babbling, self-promoting “thought leaders” and hand-wringing male “feminists”.

    Do you think it would be a good thing if Newsmax Media went public?

  5. Seriously, which one is Squinty & Which is Meat Puppet?

    They both squint like Idiots and meat puppet is also descriptive of both.

    I would go with “Murderer” and the “Cock Socket”

  6. The Chinese flu fear porn and Office Of Transition garbage the media vomit 24/7 is the reason old people(not me!) are wearing masks in their cars and getting the notion that by gosh, maybe the President really didn’t win.

    They have deprived DJT of the legacy he legitimately earned with their slanderous lies. They have enabled the cocksucking scum DC pols to launch one phony investigation after another.

    Never forget that scum Obama with his fucking fake ear to fucking ear grin welcoming DJT and Melania to the WH all the while doing everything he could to undermine the incoming administration.

    I can’t write what I would do.

  7. Two questions for Mika….

    Does Joe still have that pesky problem of interns dying at their desks???
    Has Joe cheated on you yet?
    Remember cheaters cheat, it’s what they do.


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