Congress Can’t Be Bothered to Close 9/11 Security Loophole – IOTW Report

Congress Can’t Be Bothered to Close 9/11 Security Loophole


Security–conscious citizens will be startled to learn that 16 years after Saudi Arabian jihadis crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the woman who approved visas for 11 of the 19 hijackers is still on the State Department payroll.

Even better, reports, Shayna Steinger now works as a Foreign Service officer for the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation. There her crack diagnostic and investigative abilities will be put to use preventing “the spread of weapons of mass destruction.”

Something tells me both Iran and North Korea are lobbying to have her assigned as their nation’s senior case officer.

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9 Comments on Congress Can’t Be Bothered to Close 9/11 Security Loophole

  1. The story (such as it was) didn’t mentioned any violations of policy or rules that this woman committed while approving the visa’s. The author did say that “she didn’t even have the decency to resign” and didn’t back it up with any reasons why she should. If the rules at the time were bad, or if say Clinton had put in a Chinese Wall between CIA and FBI so that they couldn’t pass information about possible terrorists between them the chances are then almost 16 years ago this person was just a visa clerk doing her job as she was taught. A tragedy certainly but if one looks to place responsibility I suspect it’s a helluva lot higher up then a junior consular officer.

  2. Trump and Tillerson need to EMPTY the State Department. it is filled with left-wing liberal anti-American froot loops who live in a bubble and never have been off concrete, or anywhere in the US other than the E coast, W coast, and hotels and resorts. Fire every person there, the place is crawling with communists. We won the election and what action are they taking, they act as if everything is hunky dorry over there @ State, and we hear about the occasional termination of one employee on occasion. FIRE EVERYONE THERE. Good grief

  3. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush II should ALL have drained the State Dept. when they had the chance. Maybe Trump will finally be the one to do it. Will Tillerson?

  4. Bush II really fucked up by leaving the Clinton-appointed fuckup Norm Mineta in charge of the Dept of Transportation. Bush II thought having a bipartisan cabinet would prove he was a Nice Guy but all it did was result in the 9/11 Filthy Mohammedan Savage Terrorist Attacks.

    “Heaven forfend! We cannot profile air travelers because that is not Politically Correct!”

    So the 11 Filthy Mohammedan Savages got onboard with their boxcutters and murdered thousands of people. Then Bush II compounded his fuckupery by forcing TSA, the Patriot Act and DHS upon us.

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