Congress Demands Obama’s Intel Chief Explain Call To Fire His Potential Trump Replacement – IOTW Report

Congress Demands Obama’s Intel Chief Explain Call To Fire His Potential Trump Replacement


The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence demanded Saturday that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appear before congress to explain his call for the removal of his potential replacement.

Clapper and Secretary of Defense Ash Carter sent a letter to the White House last month calling on the removal of National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers, according to the Washington Post. In response, Chairman Devin Nunes issued a letter demanding Clapper and Carter appear before his committee.

“Since Admiral Rogers was appointed as NSA Director in April 2014, I have been consistently impressed with his leadership and accomplishments,” wrote Nunes. “His professionalism, expertise, and deckplate leadership have been remarkable during an extremely challenging period for NSA. I know other members of Congress hold him in similarly high esteem.”

Rogers reportedly met with President-elect Donald Trump Thursday without notifying his superiors, an apparent break from protocol. He is currently slated as the leading candidate to replace Clapper once Trump takes office in January.

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19 Comments on Congress Demands Obama’s Intel Chief Explain Call To Fire His Potential Trump Replacement

  1. “consistently impressed with his leadership and accomplishments,” wrote Nunes. “His professionalism, expertise, and deckplate leadership have been remarkable during an extremely challenging period for NSA.”

    ^^^this is why^^^

    and Clapper, who’s a globalist traitor, can’t have that.

  2. I didn’t read the linked article because I think I read the same one last week, and it’s because–like many other agencies–the bad guys currently in charge need the good guys like Rogers out so they can deep six anything that won’t look so good after they’re gone. Remember, most of them thought Killery would be their new boss, not the “outsider” who promised to clean up D.C. The first thing I’d look for is an increase in the number of shredders and shredding contractors requisitioned, and by which departments/agencies. I’d also get to the bottom of all the people who used fake and extra-gov’t email addresses to conduct official gov’t business. Seriously.

  3. As I’ve said before, Clapper and Ash wanting Rogers to be canned is more like a job recommendation then a denunciation. They do need to appear before the committee though to explain why. The simple act of requesting his termination demands a full hearing because of the nature of those three individuals jobs. Besides, it would be fun to hear Clapper claim the fifth.

  4. The Obama administration is filled with vindictive, petty and inept political hacks. Expect Admiral Rogers to be audited and harassed by the IRS and the Administration until Trump gains control and fires these incompetent partisan Agency hacks.

  5. I think it bears pointing out that Clapper’s and Ashe’ letter to recommend Rogers be fired happened last month, way before his last Thursday meeting w/Trump. Whatever it is they are trying to hide by getting rid of him must be pretty juicy.

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