Congress Has Spent $10.9 Trillion Under McConnell – IOTW Report

Congress Has Spent $10.9 Trillion Under McConnell

( – Since Mitch McConnell became the Senate majority leader in January 2015, the Congress has overseen $10,904,736,000,000 in federal spending, according to the Monthly Treasury Statements.

That equals approximately $91,142 in federal spending per each household in the country.

At the same time, the government collected $9,326,164,000,000 in taxes—or $77,948 per household.

The cumulative deficit the federal government has run during McConnell’s time as majority leader equals $1,578,572,000,000.

At the same time, the total federal debt—including both Treasury securities held by the public (such as Treasury bills, notes and bonds) and the “intragovernmental debt” that the Treasury has borrowed from government trust funds (such as the Social Security trust funds)—has climbed by $2,466,352,412,626,57.

The Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in the election held Nov. 2, 2010, and the new Republican House majority was seated in January 2011. The Republicans t hen won control of the Senate in the election held on Nov. 4, 2014, and the new Republican Senate majority was seated in January 2015.

On Dec. 13, 2014, the lame-duck Democrat-controlled Senate passed an omnibus spending bill to fund most of the government through the remainder of fiscal 2015. The bill had previously been approved by the Republican-controlled House. In the Senate, 17 Republicans voted against the bill, but McConnell—the incoming majority leader–voted for it.  more here


7 Comments on Congress Has Spent $10.9 Trillion Under McConnell

  1. The democrats and their willing accomplices in the main stream media are trying to destroy us from within. Bankruptcy is only one of their methods. If Trump tries to cut wasteful, unnecessary spending, the dems and the media will scream of impending doom to scare voters into voting for dems. We cannot spend our way out of bankruptcy. Lots of painful cuts are in order.

  2. Everyone up there wants money directed to their district projects along with national government programs and Mitch is more than happy to shovel out the cash. He won’t be there much longer what does he care?

  3. Though the Senate cannot initiate spending (and taxing) it can certainly curtail it (them).

    McConnell, like Ryan, is a Menshevik-type socialist – forever trying to merge slavery and Liberty – which is akin to putting feces into ice cream and expecting a good taste.

    izlamo delenda est …

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