Congress is on the verge of including women over 18 in the military draft – IOTW Report

Congress is on the verge of including women over 18 in the military draft

DailyMailUK: For the first time in the United States’ 245-year history, American women could be required to sign up for the Selective Service with legislation expanding the draft expected to get the green light from Congress, a report out Wednesday stated.  

A measure changing the requirements for the Selective Service from male-only to ‘all Americans’ could pass the Senate as early as this week, according to Axios.  

The question of who should be compelled to serve has been debated in the US for years. Now it looks likely to pass with a bipartisan coalition of support, despite fury from some Republicans saying it is part of a row over political equality. 

Earlier this month, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley introduced an amendment to strip the gender-neutral Selective Service language out of the NDAA. It’s not clear if the bill gained much traction.

Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri spoke out against the measure on Wednesday morning.

‘Using women as a chess piece in a political “equality” argument is not only misguided but is insulting to our female population,’ she wrote on Twitter. ‘Claiming their inclusion in the draft would prove “equality” is ridiculous.’  more

29 Comments on Congress is on the verge of including women over 18 in the military draft

  1. There is no way in Hell I will ever allow my granddaughters to be drafted as cannon fodder in a future war. My 2 daughters are both in their 30’s and too old to be drafted, thank God. The damn draft was bad enough for my generation of baby boomers during the Viet Nam War. This is another stupid idea from the left destined to kill off not only men but women as well and never allow them to have children to carry on in their posterity for future generations.

  2. OK wimmin, those of you that have been demanding equality in all things, this is an opportunity for you to show you’re serious about it. And our current military leadership has emasculated our military so completely that this seems to be the next logical step.

  3. Only way I’ll support a draft….

    Military aged kids, grandkids, and great grandkids of all Congress people and Executive branch people are the first (1st) inducted….and if the Congress people and Executive branch people are of military age (typically 18-35)….they “volunteer” right after the vote.

    Put your ass where your mouth is….!!!!

  4. @dee

    There are hundreds of jobs in the military that do not involve fighting on the front lines.

    Are women’s hides more valuable or precious than a man’s? Is their obligation as a citizen to defend this nation any less valid?

    You guys have been clamoring for equality, here ya go.

  5. Ed357
    NOVEMBER 18, 2021 AT 2:43 PM

    “Military aged kids, grandkids, and great grandkids of all Congress people and Executive branch people are the first (1st) inducted….and if the Congress people and Executive branch people are of military age (typically 18-35)….they “volunteer” right after the vote.”

    Nope. Works like this…

    “Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight?
    They leave that role to the poor, yeah”
    -Black Sabbath, “War Pigs”

  6. Their Ideal is that women will be Admirals, Generals, Colonels, Majors etc. and tell the men where to go to get shot up like cannon fodder.

    Ultimately what ALL THE LEFT wants is Soy Boys, Trannies, Women to Order, Instruct, Hire, Fire, and delegate Menial SHIT work for the aggressive males to do to tire us into submission.

    Women & gearboxes running the show instead of Blue Blood Men and all of the masculine males digging in the shit.


    Getting dirty PAYS better than mid level Office jobs. We can get more pussy too. Women are the first to get bored by water cooler men who can’t change a tire.

  7. Ed357
    NOVEMBER 18, 2021 AT 5:00 PM

    Yeah….I know how it works now…”

    Figured you did, I was just taking advantage of it for a song cue…sometimes it seems like Black Sabbath should be scoring ALL of 2021…at least they could legit shred, good luck finding that now…

    …and thank you for your service. You stepped up and saw to the needs of your Country for little reward and to little acclaim. Your honorable service is still appreciated here.

  8. the last draftee entered the service in April 1072.
    He retired after 35 years of service.
    I was drafted in 1968.
    There were numbers of women in the service then, as now.
    There are many jobs women can do, other than combat.
    Combat should always be an option, as they receive the same training.
    Sure, the draft should be an equal opportunity operation.

  9. Today’s US military is polluted with brass throwing in with dem-rino-ccp schemes and plots. Do whatever is necessary to keep your kid out. My own kids have refused to renew their contracts, thankfully.

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