Congress Mulls Overturning Obama’s Social Security ‘Back-Door Gun Grab’ – IOTW Report

Congress Mulls Overturning Obama’s Social Security ‘Back-Door Gun Grab’

DC: Congressional lawmakers will review a final rule issued by President Obama in December that stomps on the Second Amendment rights of Social Security beneficiaries.

According to the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action, Obama’s Social Security rule qualifies SSI and disability insurance recipients as “mental defectives,” and therefore incapable of legally owning firearms.

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11 Comments on Congress Mulls Overturning Obama’s Social Security ‘Back-Door Gun Grab’

  1. Just like Obola (and the rest of the totalitarians) – go after the people who’ve paid into the scam instead of the millions of maggots getting free shit.

    How bout if you get welfare – any kind of welfare – WIC, SNAP, USPS, UAW, AFL-CIO, Wall Street, “Green” Industries … whatever – your voting “rights” are suspended until you find gainful employment?

    Most of the aggrieved are probably members of AARP, so, to a point, deserve to get fukt.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. An investment firm who’s job it is to strip my retirement account bare slowly is being paid to watch my financial situation, I am thinking maybe I really do have a problem.

  3. @Left Coast Dan January 26, 2017 at 9:02 am

    > What’s to discuss?

    Just how bad an idea this is. Banning the physically “differently enabled” from defending themselves with a gun, forces some supporters of Big Government(TM) to choose between “yer bennies or yer life”. They could, of course, solve the problem by removing Big Government(TM) from everybody’s gun buying decisions. Or Big Government(TM) could sweep this brilliant plan under the rug, so there’s no change from all their previous brilliant Second Amendment plans.

  4. My first thought is why do you need Congress to override ultra left wing Executive Orders made at the last moment by a President who was finally showing his true colors. Cancel it with another Executive Order

    On second thought — No, bring them all before Congress and make Democrats defend every last one of them

  5. Many wheelchair bound people are great marksman , and when your in a chair its’ already somewhat demeaning to not be able to defend yourself or family with bare hands.Let them keep some respect for Gods sake.

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