Congress Paid OutTaxpayer Money To Settle Male Staffers’ Harassment Claims Against Democratic NY Rep. Eric Massa – IOTW Report

Congress Paid OutTaxpayer Money To Settle Male Staffers’ Harassment Claims Against Democratic NY Rep. Eric Massa

Daily Caller: The Congressional Office of Compliance paid out just under $100,000 in taxpayer funds to two male staffers to settle sexual harassment claims against disgraced former Democratic New York Rep. Eric Massa, according to a new report.

Massa resigned in 2010 following allegations that he groped and sexually harassed his male staffers. The secret settlement payments took place in 2010 following Massa’s resignation, ABC News reported on Thursday.

Massa’s settlement was part of the $17 million slush fund that was secretly paid out to settle congressional harassment claims, including sexual harassment complaints.  read more

8 Comments on Congress Paid OutTaxpayer Money To Settle Male Staffers’ Harassment Claims Against Democratic NY Rep. Eric Massa

  1. Fox ought to put a news special up about this scandal naming names and misdeeds as well as how much each settlement cost the taxpayor. Since it would seem that the majority (at this point anyway) seem to be Democrats go ahead and name the party affiliations as well. Also for each settlement say what that money could have paid for in school meals, or elderly health support etc.

  2. Congressvermin who’ve had settlements paid for their transgressions should have their pensions docked for the full amount, say at $25K/year. If they die before the debt is paid off, hit up their estates for the remainder.

    No, wait. Simply strip them of their pensions. That’ll do it.

  3. So we pay them a high salary, then we give them a $100,000 legal RETAINER, then they sneak away, and collect their benefits.

    Time to Secede from this pit of vipers. United States of Texas, here I come.

  4. It dawns on me, and I admit I could be wrong, but if Republicans were guilty of any of these crimes, I think it would have come out by now.

    So far everyone who has been guilty of abuse or harassment (except for Moore) is a Democrat, or supporter.

    I wonder if the New York Times, knowing the HUGE can of Lefty worms it was opening, would have printed that story?

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