Congress rejects objection to Arizona Electoral Votes – IOTW Report

Congress rejects objection to Arizona Electoral Votes

They will accept the fraudulent election.


@VP: “On this vote the yeas are 6, the nays are 93. The objection is not sustained.”

U.S. Senate REJECTS objection to Arizona Electoral Votes.

Craig Caplan@CraigCaplan·

303-121: House joined the Senate in voting to reject the objection to Arizona’s electoral votes.

All 121 voting Yes to in support the objection were Republicans including McCarthy and Scalise.

I guess you can figure out how this is going to end up.

24 Comments on Congress rejects objection to Arizona Electoral Votes

  1. Having faith when everything is going your way is easy. having faith when things seem hopeless is difficult.

    I still have faith in Trump. I still think he’s gonna pull it off.

  2. I’m beginning to think that this antifa false flag operation today was set up by McConnell and the other spineless pols to give them cover to claim they were just so patriotic that today’s actions upset their sensibilities so badly that they have to vote to certify the fraudulent election results – this episode today was just so un-American that we must kiss each other’s asses some more to prove how unified we are as a country. More of the same ol’ kayfabe “professional wrestling” BS theater by our political class.

  3. What a set up. All of the people that breached should have been arrested and identified. How many were plants? ANTIFA
    Then to have Biden talk about violence being unacceptable, after bailing out criminals and burning down cities.

  4. Breitbart says six senators voted to object to AZ’s electoral votes, but they list only five:

    Ted Cruz (R-TX)
    Josh Hawley (R-MO)
    John Kennedy (R-LA)
    Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)
    Roger Marshall (R-KA)

    Who was the sixth?

    It looks like my fellow Floridians and I have a rather large bone to pick with Rubio and Scott.

    And then there are these stinking shits who turned tail and ran away from their earlier objections: Marsha Blackburn, Kelly Loeffler, James Lankford, Bill Haggerty, Steve Daines, Mike Braun, Cynthia Lummis, and Ron Johnson. I’d call them weasels but I kind of like weasels.

  5. That’s who our politicians are. Cowards and traitors

    They are willing to fake cry in defense of that shitshow they pretend was a legitimate election.

    They are ALL scum, not worthy of any respect.

  6. We won’t forget what you treasonous Repube’s did today.
    Now that the system is officially rigged, why bother voting? 🤔
    Continue to pray 🙏 for this country and President Trump. MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. Come hell and high-water, this will end one way or another, and it will end badly for both the GOP and the left.
    It might take an entire Harassment- I mean Harris administration to do it but this shit has hit the fan and it’s gonna stop up the gutter next.

  8. Is there a record of who voted and how they voted on this? I’m sure I know how Mittens voted, but I want to see the rest.

    Aaaaaand it looks like I’ll be keeping the “President Elect” moniker on my sign in for quite awhile. I would have given it up if the spineless politicians had certified PDJT.


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