Congress to Obama: If you know who’s behind the hacks, out with it, chief – IOTW Report

Congress to Obama: If you know who’s behind the hacks, out with it, chief

Bluff called.

The reason we’re not supposed to care about the nasty content found on DNC e-mail servers, according to Democrats, is that it’s far more important to focus on the horror of the Russians hacking our e-mail! The same Russians the Democrats mocked Mitt Romney for naming as a geopolitical foe are now the greatest threat to all mankind because they’re able to read about Hillary’s yoga routines and the DNC’s rigging of its primaries.

And maybe it was the Russians, but if the Obama Administration knows that for sure as it keeps implying, members of Congress from both parties are telling Obama it’s time to say so publicly:    MORE @ CainTV 

14 Comments on Congress to Obama: If you know who’s behind the hacks, out with it, chief

  1. Obama is part of the Hillary conspiracy of deception.
    Make allegations, continue to feed the media speaking points, who in turn continue the charade in print and the “news”.
    Tell a lie long enough people start to believe it.

  2. “Obama himself stepped closer to pinning the hacks on Russia when he told NBC News that “experts have attributed this to the Russians” and that it was “possible” the leak was designed to help the Trump campaign.”

    Phew! For a moment I thought there was something to worry about. Then I see it was just obama…talki..uh, lying. Again.

    But when it comes to messing around with other countries’ elections, he would be the one to ask, alright.

  3. There should be ‘Presidential Baseball Throw’ test.
    You have to show up and chuck a baseball and have it filmed.
    Play it before the debate and have each Candidate defend their awkwardness, or exalt in their prowess.

  4. Interesting to see the democrats all up in arms over the Ruskies hacking the DNC. I don’t seem to remember the same level of anger and panic when the Chinese hacked the Office of Personnel Management and made off with the personal information of millions of Americans.

  5. I suspect, given his history and pandering to the perverts in this country, that Obama has more experience playing with balls…..even with his superior experience, baseballs, footballs and basketballs are out of his comfort zone.

  6. Loco, that pussy couldn’t destroy an old out house with a moving car.
    He cannot destroy this country
    Remember that Giant that the Japanese general ‘supposedly’ said they woke up and filled with a terrible resolve?
    That Giant is about to go all Gulliver on those gnats trying to tie him down.

  7. KMM – my thoughts exactly. Why all of a sudden are the demoncraps trying to convince us that Russia is the #1 enemy? Especially after HilLIARy is the one who was selling them sensitive material and taking their money?

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