Congressional Black Caucus Members Aren’t Happy That Fellow Lawmakers Sleep At The Capitol – IOTW Report

Congressional Black Caucus Members Aren’t Happy That Fellow Lawmakers Sleep At The Capitol

Daily Caller; Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members are aiming to crack down on lawmakers who sleep in their offices in the Capitol, calling the practice “unsanitary.”

Members of the CBC argued that lawmakers sleeping in their offices represented an abuse of taxpayer funds in a letter requesting an investigation by the House Ethics Committee, as reported by Politico.

“There’s something unsanitary about bringing people to your office who are talking about public policy where you spent the night, and that’s unhealthy, unsanitary — and some people would say it’s almost nasty,” Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the top Democrat on the Homeland Security Committee, told Politico.  MORE HERE

SNIP: Speaking of nasty, I’d like to know when Sheila Jackson Lee finds the time to run a hose through her wighats. Don’t get me started on Bernie Sanders. He has dandruff so bad, it looks like he’s snowing.


20 Comments on Congressional Black Caucus Members Aren’t Happy That Fellow Lawmakers Sleep At The Capitol

  1. Offices in the House are cleaned by staff (who do a very thorough job).
    The ones sleeping in their offices stopped us from testing the fire alarms in the middle of the night. Had to do silent tests (which are contrary to code) not that I gave a fuck, just that we had to have everything back on before 7:30, so we had to co-ordinate more closely with the Electrical Shop.
    Nothing unsanitary about it – just a pain in the ass for the cleaning people, the carpet people, plumbing people, painters, &c..

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You know who sleeps in their offices? Fiscal conservatives pinching pennies because they have to in order to serve in that overpriced town.

    They have access to the gym and showers.

    Not everyone can afford to live at the Ritz like Harry Reid did for all those years.

    If you ain’t on the take you can’t live in DC.

  3. What’s the big deal?

    Ginsberg sleeps during Supreme court hearings and Presidential State of the Union Addresses.
    Then there’s Jeff Sessions who is obviously asleep at the DOJ.

    We would be better off if Congress stopped ignoring waste, fraud, government corruption and the will of the people.

    We would be better off if congress slept instead of legislating tax increases, pork projects and unconstitutional laws.

  4. I am so distressed that the Congressional Black Caucus Members Aren’t Happy.
    Why don’t we just pay the CBC members reparations to satisfy their unhappiness? Wouldn’t that make it all better?

  5. Illust8r — You ask if they are running out of things to complain about? I wished that were true, but they never heard of scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to things to complain about. Very sad commentary on their party and the CBC.

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