Congressional Democrats Have No Credibility On Impeachment – IOTW Report

Congressional Democrats Have No Credibility On Impeachment

So far, it doesn’t seem like Democrats or their allies in the media are at all aware of how the American public perceives them. 


The problem with the Democrats’ impeachment gambit—aside from the fact that it appears to rest largely on a complaint riddled with inaccuracies, falsehoods, and hearsay—is that the American people don’t trust Congress and will likely have little confidence in any impeachment process undertaken by Democratic congressional leaders.

And no wonder. Ever since President Trump won the presidency in 2016, Democrats have been grasping for some pretext to invalidate the results of that election.

First, it was the outlandish claim that if Trump didn’t liquidate his global business interests upon taking office, he would be in violation of the emoluments clause. Then it was more than two years of the Russian collusion hoax that fizzled with the release of the Mueller report this spring. Along the way, there were repeated attempts to pin obstruction of justice on Trump for his firing of FBI director James Comey, as well as accusations about payments to Stormy Daniels, questions about Trump’s tax returns, and allegations of sexual assault.

None of this, in the minds of the vast majority of Americans, ever approached a justification for impeachment. A Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday found that just 37 percent support impeachment. A Monmouth poll last month showed just 35 percent support. For years, polls on impeachment have stayed in this range.

Democrats are therefore very far out of step with the American people on the question of impeachment, and it’s hard to see how the transcript of Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, much less the “whistleblower” complaint released Wednesday evening, will change that. The complaint, with its allegation that Trump solicited interference in our elections from a foreign country, is in effect a continuation of the Russian collusion narrative Democrats spent two years pushing, to no avail.

In short, congressional Democrats don’t seem to appreciate how tenuous their position is now, or how a blatantly partisan impeachment inquiry could demolish all remaining confidence in our democratic institutions and set the country up for a crisis in the 2020 elections.

Even if there were a plausible case for opening impeachment proceedings against Trump, this Congress lacks the credibility to conduct them. Democrats have demonstrated over the past three years that they will do anything, say anything, and entertain any outlandish theory if it means removing Trump from office and undoing the 2016 election.

How can the American people possibly entrust them with an impeachment inquiry now? As one woman told The New York Times this week, “I’m like, yeah, boy who cried wolf.” keep reading

16 Comments on Congressional Democrats Have No Credibility On Impeachment

  1. Credibility isn’t what’s needed, support is.

    That’s what the hearings is about, not facts or credibility, creating an emotionally charged atmosphere that will gain them support.

    They might actually succeed, Republicans aren’t very good at countering this sort of attack.

  2. I hope these pushy jackasses understand that even if they do retake control of the government by some fashion that people have had enough and they’ll be facing massive unrest. People aren’t going to accept the laws and rules they intend to enact.
    The cork is going to pop when they steal this government.

  3. I didn’t read anything in the transcript of the Trump-Zelensky telephone conversation where Trump asked for the Ukrainian government to help defeating Biden in 2020, yet that is how the MSDM is portraying it. This is going to blowback on Trump’s opponents if the Republicans handle it skillfully. Remember, Trump has not yet begun to fight!

  4. This time, the Republican has support from other actual Republicans.
    This is going nowhere. Congress isn’t doing its job running the country the way the libs want (Bills, etc.)
    And I’d like to see the Dems get anything they want from Trump after this. Especially guns and money.
    Nancy blew it. The elites now have challengers for their jobs. They didn’t in the past. Some super crazy some not, but still.

    Think about it. Did the Libs do anything for their crowd? No.
    However, Trump has, for everyone. It’s on record with even the lame stream media. lol

  5. @TRF^^^
    For anyone with any ability to apply logic and think for themselves the democrap party should have NO credibility and should be obviously seen as a criminal enterprise.
    I can understand how so many people are duped by them. I was once a “low information voter” and only considered candidates just before an election when their pandering was at the peak.


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