Congressional Dems ponder legislative pivot as election overhaul bill gasps for air – IOTW Report

Congressional Dems ponder legislative pivot as election overhaul bill gasps for air

Just The News-

Democrats in the Senate are facing the fact that their sweeping election overhaul bill, S.1 (the “For the People Act”), will likely die in the upper chamber.

Caucus leaders are beginning to contemplate pivoting to a vehicle with broader appeal, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, a beefed-up version of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that would restore and extend mandatory oversight from the Department of Justice over election procedures in jurisdictions deemed to have histories of prejudicial voting laws. 

Though Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have repeatedly emphasized the importance of passing H.R. 1/S. 1, the Senate bill is currently stuck in a partisan deadlock in committee with no clear path toward passage.

Last week, Democrats met to brainstorm how to move forward, but no conclusion was reached, and some Democrats — including Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a key swing vote in the 50-50 Senate — declined to participate in the conversation at all. Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, moreover, remain opposed to overturning the legislative filibuster, which would be necessary for Democrats to pass S. 1 without Republican support.

S. 1 is “too darn broad, and we got no bipartisan support,” Manchin said last week.

“The country is more divided than it’s ever been,” he continued, explaining that he doesn’t want to worsen the divisions by forcing through more legislation that has zero bipartisan appeal.

Even Democrats to the left of Manchin are signaling that S. 1 may not be worth a fight that will likely end in defeat. MORE

9 Comments on Congressional Dems ponder legislative pivot as election overhaul bill gasps for air

  1. “The country is more divided than it’s ever been.” 10% is controlling the media and trying to force communism and autocracy on us, and 90% is just trying to live their own lives and enjoy their Constitutional rights and liberties.
    It isn’t Left vs. Right. It is Left vs. Middle.

  2. S.1 (the “For the People Act”), will likely die in the upper chamber

    It shouldn’t simply “die”. S.1 should be extensively tortured with lit cigars, half-strangled, waterboarded, bastinadoed, horse-whipped, and then tossed in a pit with a rattlesnake or two (they have haemotoxic venom that takes a long and excruciating painful time to work).


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