Congressional Office Of Compliance Releases Breakdown Of Harassment Settlements – IOTW Report

Congressional Office Of Compliance Releases Breakdown Of Harassment Settlements

DC: The Congressional Office Of Compliance (OOC) released a year-by-year breakdown Wednesday of harassment settlements, including how much money was awarded to victims throughout the past decade.

The OCC said it decided to release the information regarding payment of awards and settlements regarding all types of harassment due to the mass amounts of recent inquiries. In the released statement, OCC executive director Susan Tsui Grundmann explained that these cases originate from multiple offices inside of the legislative branch, other than the House or the Senate.

“Based on the volume of recent inquiries regarding payment of awards and settlements reached under the CAA, I am releasing these figures beginning with Fiscal Year 1997, up to and including FY 2017,” Grundmann wrote. “A large portion of cases originate from employing offices in the legislative branch other than the House of Representatives or the Senate, and involve various statutory provisions incorporated by the CAA, such as the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

The breakdown shows more than $17 million spent on settling harassment claims throughout the past decade.

19 Comments on Congressional Office Of Compliance Releases Breakdown Of Harassment Settlements

  1. The Democrats are up to something.

    The Claimed Congressional “Harassment and Settlement” Pay-Outs are False…

    Sean Davis co-founder of The Federalist, was the first to spot the fraudulent presentation of data HERE. If you look at the actual letter (full pdf below) from the U.S. Congress, Office of Compliance, you’ll note the following important notation:

  2. Everyone should be writing their elected officials and demanding that the names of the people on whose behalf these payments were made be made public. We should also demand a list of who approved them and who knew about it and allowed it. All of them should be forced to resign immediately.

  3. @organgrinder: “I still want them to be forced to accept the same health coverage they’ve forced on us…”

    They operate under a different set of laws.
    Or maybe they just operate, irrespective of the laws that you and I must obey.
    They are exempt from obamacare, and have their own programs- something which you or I can not have.
    The supreme court determined that obamacare is a tax, and that enabled it to become law. And yet, the people who wrote those laws don’t have to obey them. They don’t have to pay the taxes that they require everyone else to pay. And the tax payers provide their healthcare for them. Obscene.
    The American revolution is said to have been against ‘taxation without representation.’
    How things have changed.
    Now the cry could very well be ‘representation without taxation.’
    Name their names and put them above the pillories on the National Mall.

  4. So if I get sued civilly… the taxpayers pick up the tab?

    Term limits, Social Security retirements, and 0bamaCare…..those are the things that need to be in our elected governmental lawmakers’s future.

  5. Representation of Senate and Congressional Constituents was never meant to be a career.

    At one time, they were honorable people and considered it an honor to serve their constituents and their state.

    Now, it has become the path to become a $Millionaire by catering to special interest groups and corruption.

  6. So the $15M mentioned by the Dem Senator for harassment was wrong as she specifically mentioned at least two currently serving Senators. Or is there another fact sheet for the legislative branch that is not being released. The sleaze in DC keeps oozing away from the sunlight with our money! Harassment is not within the scope of their job so any settlements should be paid by them. Make them provide a liability bond before entering office.

  7. Office of Compliance was Congress’ answer to the fact that the AoC was under no obligation to Unions, OSHA, and other forms of oppression imposed upon the working world.

    Congress exempts itself from many of the laws which impede (or constrain) “ordinary” peons … uhh … Americans. For instance, they are exempt from “Insider Trading” and most of the things that would constitute “RICO” violations in America. When they conspire to extort money from taxpayers and individuals, they must be free from fear of prosecution.
    You remember the 100% cost overruns of the Capitol Visitor Center, of which the Architect was blamed? Pure BULLSHIT! The Architect cannot (nor could he ever) appropriate money – every single overrun, from the bricks to the gilding – was demanded by a Representative and/or Senator who possessed the seniority to make life miserable for the Employees of the AoC – including the Architect, himself.

    One Architect, who had the misfortune of having to work with “The Mob” (previous to being appointed Architect) commented that “The Mob” was more honorable, and more trustworthy, and less back-stabbing than Congress. That’s a fact – you could check it out.

    izlamo delenda est …

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