Congressional Report Blasts Eric Holder’s Fast And Furious Cover-Up – IOTW Report

Congressional Report Blasts Eric Holder’s Fast And Furious Cover-Up

The Lid:

At a public hearing Wednesday members of the House Oversight Committee blasted former President Barack Obama and his attorney general for allegedly covering up an investigation into the death of  Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, killed as a result of the screwed up government gun-running project known as Operation Fast and Furious. 

At the same time as the hearings,  House Oversight  Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-IA) released a 250-plus page report (embedded below) chronicling the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) response under Attorney General Eric Holder to the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. Not surprisingly the report demonstrates that the Justice Department obstructed (and continues to obstruct) Congress and Brian Terry’s family from finding the truth. MORE

13 Comments on Congressional Report Blasts Eric Holder’s Fast And Furious Cover-Up

  1. Yeah, everybody knows Obama, Holder, Lynch, Clinton, Huma, Clapper, Rice, Jeh Johnson, Ashton Carter, Kerry, Leon Panetta, Eric Shinseki, Ken Salazar and many underlings did not follow rules, regulations, laws or the Constitution.

    Not one have or will face the consequences of their incompetence or willful disregard of lawful performance of their duty.
    More committee hearings with no result, except telling us what we already know. They broke the law, lied and continue to lie with no ramifications or penalties.
    The elite are Too BIG to Jail.

  2. Holder’s morning jam song…

    Ghetto supastar
    That is what you are
    Coming from afar
    Reaching for the stars
    Run away with me to another place
    We can rely on each other, uh-huh
    From one corner to another, uh-huh…

  3. I’m looking for the conversion tables to determine the value of “blast” in prison years. Anybody have that info?

    Also the value of “critical” in prison years. Last week they were “critical” of Obama for something.

  4. Ya know, with all this “blasting” going on, somebody should be dead; Oh that’s right Brian Terry is.

    This report is as good as the toilet paper i used this morning; Let’s hear about some handcuffs and firing squads for some of these “criminals” that continue to skate with no repercussions. That’s the kind of report I’d like to see.

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