Congressional Sources Confirm Timeline of Bruce Ohr, Chris Steele and FBI Contacts With Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok – IOTW Report

Congressional Sources Confirm Timeline of Bruce Ohr, Chris Steele and FBI Contacts With Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok

CTH: Within the massive assembly of documents, emails, text messages, congressional testimony and portions of media reports a clear timeline emerged.  Part of that timeline was based on the fact that certain events had to have taken place -at specific times- in order to reconcile the downstream activity.

From that circumstantial timeline CTH was able to assemble a graphic to help understand how corrupt DOJ and FBI officials had to have used information from Fusion-GPS, Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele; passed on to Bruce Ohr in the DOJ; then delivered to Peter Strzok (FBI) for exploitation eventually culminating in the October 21st, 2016, Title-1 FISA warrant against U.S. Person Carter Page.

The key point of the graphic, which ran counter to all MSM reporting, was a trail of circumstantial evidence showing Bruce Ohr had to have been in contact with Christopher Steele much earlier than anyone realized.

Thankfully, and finally, a new report today from John Solomon backs up this timeline with the first-hand testimony of DOJ Official Bruce Ohr.  read more

7 Comments on Congressional Sources Confirm Timeline of Bruce Ohr, Chris Steele and FBI Contacts With Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok

  1. For those of us old enough to remember the Vietnam war, there was an incident in which a village was supposedly destroyed by US troops and the explanation from the military was that we had to destroy it in order to save it. We might be at that point with the FBI and the DOJ.


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