Congressman Eric Swalwell is famous for 2 things: farting on TV and threatening to nuke Americans if they refused to surrender their firearms – IOTW Report

Congressman Eric Swalwell is famous for 2 things: farting on TV and threatening to nuke Americans if they refused to surrender their firearms

DefConNews: It is the later of those two things that is drawing attention today. The second biggest joke in the House Representatives, behind AOC, says that our 2nd Amendment Rights are a joke and that the government should confiscate our weapons.

Swalwell wrote a gun ban/confiscation manifesto in Newsweek because low-rent losers express their fascism in low-rent publications:

Assault weapons combine that deadliness with low recoil and higher-capacity magazines, so that more shots can be fired accurately and quickly without reloading. These weapons are designed to kill as many people as possible, as fast as possible.

They belong on battlefields, not in our communities as the murder tools of choice for hateful extremists or untrained law enforcement and military wannabes.

I can think of plenty of weapons that kill more people faster than a semi-automatic rifle that fires one round per trigger pull. I can also think of plenty of weapons our soldiers would rather carry on the battlefield than something you can buy at Bass Pro Shops. read more

20 Comments on Congressman Eric Swalwell is famous for 2 things: farting on TV and threatening to nuke Americans if they refused to surrender their firearms

  1. Swollowell needs to be butt stroked up beside the head with a M1. Chickenshit never was in the military, who just happen to have (gasp) fully automatic weapons, and he’s too stupid to know the difference.

  2. Yet another anti-american who should be stripped of his citizenship and deported permanently with the knowledge that this is his one and only chance to live because staying or returning to CONUS means death.

    Time to stop coddling these traitorous scum and give them the stick because they have been getting the carrot for WAY to long.

  3. Some of us can recall when Newsweek was a better-written and more factual rag than Time mag.
    This is just an arrogant tool who seemingly likes to put a big target on his back “for the team.”
    If evolution has ever produced anything superior, I’ve yet to see it.
    Mostly it’s just degeneration.

  4. When a crime boss sends a hit man after you it doesn’t do any good to kill him since there will just be another and then another sent until one of them gets you.

    There is no solution to this, no wat to stop it, so just give up and die gracefully.

    Better still, surrender in advance and avoit the situation to start with.

  5. Weapons can only be confiscated by other guys with weapons.
    So, Swalwell, you’re saying that YOUR guys should be armed while OUR guys shouldn’t?
    Spit it out, dude.
    Say what you mean, mean what you say.
    You want YOUR jack-booted thugs to keep and bear THEIR arms FOR YOU but you don’t want American citizens to do the same?

    YOU have the right to cancel MY rights guaranteed by the Constitution?

    Nazi much, Swalwell?
    Communist Cuba?
    Soviet Socialist Russia?
    Communist China?

    You swore an oath to uphold, protect, and defend the same Constitution that you now would violate? Isn’t that the definition of Treason?

    Speak, O Gaseous One! Let us hear the wisdom of thy foul toothless mouth!

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …


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