Congressman Introduces Resolution To Support Cuban Protests, Only Republicans Sign On – IOTW Report

Congressman Introduces Resolution To Support Cuban Protests, Only Republicans Sign On

Daily Wire:

Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL) introduced a resolution to support the Cuban people in their demands for freedom against “the brutal oppression of the Communist dictatorship in Cuba.”

Díaz-Balart — a Cuban-American — asked the international community to stand behind the recent protests against the island’s regime. Initial cosponsors for the House resolution include Steve Scalise (R-LA), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL), Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Greg Steube (R-FL), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Byron Donalds (R-FL), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and Liz Cheney (R-WY).

According to Díaz-Balart’s statement:

For 62 years, the Cuban people have struggled for freedom and human rights under a brutal, repressive dictatorship. On this day, which also coincides with the anniversary of the Tugboat Massacre, we also remember the regime’s decades of malevolence, including the Brothers to the Rescue Shoot-Down, the firing squads, torture, arbitrary arrests, killings, human trafficking, those who fled in makeshift rafts through shark-infested waters, and the many activists who have suffered or perished for simply daring to speak against the regime. The Cuban people will be free, and they will remember those who stood with them.

Under the resolution — entitled “Expressing solidarity with the Cuban people in their demands for freedom and respect for basic human rights” — the House of Representatives: more here

4 Comments on Congressman Introduces Resolution To Support Cuban Protests, Only Republicans Sign On

  1. I know it’s become a cliché, but what’s wrong with “love it or leave it”?

    Why won’t these assholes pack it up, give up on our constitutional republic, and take their bullshit elsewhere? How about you, AOC? Bernie?

    BTW, what the fuck has Bernie done for his decades of “public service”? Fucking useless fossil that he is.

    Are our kids to grow up with the old ladies of “The Squad” in charge?

    Over my dead fucking body.

  2. Love it or leave it??? Yamean get off the gravy train? Not a fucking chance in a million.

    The fucking cunt in MN from Somolia plugged right into the grievance/victim mode. She steals millions in campaign money, pays a network of vote harvesters in her district and her hate for America is second to no one.

    And our side? Going along with this mindless printing of trillions of fairy dust dollars? Anyone that thinks they have representation in DC is out of their minds. It’s a 24/7 Parade of Clowns marching us off a GD cliff.


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