Congressman Steve King tells his side of the story after the NYT slandered him as racist and Republicans stabbed him in the back – IOTW Report

Congressman Steve King tells his side of the story after the NYT slandered him as racist and Republicans stabbed him in the back

Steve King Exclusive. We sat down and talked to Congressman Steve King which allowed him the opportunity to tell his story!

4 Comments on Congressman Steve King tells his side of the story after the NYT slandered him as racist and Republicans stabbed him in the back

  1. King has been a strong voice for conservatives out there especially for border control. The open border rats on both sides of the aisle took the chance to pile on him even though most knew his statement was distorted out of context.
    The globalists are out to get him and we need to go after his attackers.

  2. The left has changed the argument about national sovereignty. Those that want strong borders is to ensure the nations integrity not to keep dark skinned people out.
    This is how things get twisted to mis-characterize and destroy those who oppose the left.

  3. Why are we throwing our good congressmen under the bus when the democrats don’t do anything to theirs, even when they’re caught calling blacks niggers.

  4. ‘Why are we throwing our good congressmen under the bus when the democrats don’t do anything to theirs, even when they’re caught calling blacks niggers.’

    Since the same idiots elect politicians in belief of a two party system thinking they are not the same thing. Mostly now without the need for racism.
    Right you are,,
    Childish pissing match is all it is.


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