Congressman to Whistleblower Doctor: You’re Too Sick to Go to Work But You’re Here Testifying? – IOTW Report

Congressman to Whistleblower Doctor: You’re Too Sick to Go to Work But You’re Here Testifying?


Dr. Rick Bright, who filed a whistleblower complaint after his firing from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, testified before the Subcommittee on Health for the House Committee on Energy on Thursday. Bright has been highly critical of the federal government’s response to the coronavirus. In particular, he was concerned by President Trump’s insistence that hydroxycholoroquine was a potential treatment for the disease, which he said cost him and his colleagues precious time in working on other areas to combat the virus. As expected, he was lionized by Democrats and vilified by Republicans during the hearing.

In his opening statement, Dr. Bright warned that if we don’t turn things around, we could be approaching “the darkest winter in modern history.” Bright insisted in his testimony that his complaints were delivered with Americans’ best interests at heart. But Republican members of the committee weren’t so sure, considering the timeline of his actions. It wasn’t until March 23, when the White House announced it was pushing to make HCQ more widely available without controlled supervision that he had a change of heart about the drug.

Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) said he believes whistleblowers should be respected and heard, but he perceived Thursday’s hearing as an attempt to undermine the Trump administration. When Oklahoma congressman Markwayne Mullin got the mic, he turned the hearing into a discussion about Bright’s paycheck. Dr. Bright, who recently got a job at the National Institutes of Health, is currently on sick leave for hypertension. He explained that it’s been a “stressful” transition having been removed from his role without explanation.

Yet, as Rep. Mullin pointed out, Bright is still getting paid by the NIH. Rep. Mulllin wondered why he was here testifying before Congress if he was dealing with the ailment? more

16 Comments on Congressman to Whistleblower Doctor: You’re Too Sick to Go to Work But You’re Here Testifying?

  1. Liberals think they can do ANYTHING, they can say ANYTHING, and get by with it.
    They think they can say that babies aren’t people and they can kill them. And if anyone complains, they’ll tell the complainer to eat shit.

    Well, i have the same rights they do, and i say liberals are not people. They are nothing but clumps of cells. And if those clumps of cells die, i couldn’t give two shits. And if they have any problem with my stance, they can eat shit.

  2. “Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) said he believes whistleblowers should be respected and heard, but he perceived Thursday’s hearing as an attempt to undermine the Trump administration.”

    Thank you Rep. Obvious.

  3. “The darkest winter in modern history” …..Dr. Rick Bright…..

    ” These are exciting times”….Nancy Pelosi…

    These two quotes could both contradict each other and also verify the insanity of those that said such things…

  4. @Gold Bricker MAY 15, 2020 AT 10:43 AM
    Give him a shot of hydroxycholoroquine in his ass and order him to report to work muy pronto or be fired immediately thereafter!

    It’s a pill, not a shot, but I wholeheartedly agree it should be shoved up his ass.

  5. @TRF May 15, 2020 at 10:49 am

    > God save us from those who pretend to want to save us!

    Don’t be such a hater! They don’t “pretend”! They believe, with the entireties of their souls, that eating baby salad will secure world peace, and a cure for the common Corona. They just want you to do what’s, honest, thruthy, best. For them. Well, for everybody. But, mostly, for them.

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