Congressman warns vaccine mandate for Navy SEALS could be ‘very detrimental’ to national security – IOTW Report

Congressman warns vaccine mandate for Navy SEALS could be ‘very detrimental’ to national security

Just The News-

Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) blasted the Biden administration on Wednesday for “infringing upon the constitutional rights of Americans” by telling Navy SEALs that if they refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine, they will be prohibited from deploying with their teams.

Hundreds of SEALs, the Navy’s elite special forces operators, are either seeking religious exemptions from the vaccine mandate or are refusing to get the shot since they already have natural immunity to the virus as a result of having had COVID and recovered from it. Some SEALs were given a deadline of this week to receive the vaccine.

R. Davis Younts, an Air Force reserves lieutenant colonel and JAG lawyer who is representing some of these SEALs in his capacity as a private attorney, previously told Just the News that his clients “have been told that if they seek a religious accommodation, they likely will no longer be able to serve our country as Navy SEALs and been given an arbitrary deadline to comply with the vaccine mandate.”

With the U.S. currently “being challenged on all different kinds of fronts,” the possible removal of possibly hundreds of SEALs “couldn’t be happening at the worst time,” Babin told the John Solomon Reports podcast. “But ideology seems to drive this Biden administration, national security be damned. And that is a terrible, terrible thing.”

Depending on the number of SEALs that may be removed for refusing the vaccine, it “could be very detrimental to operations,” Babin said.

Based on the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the border crisis, overspending, and COVID mandates, “it seems like that they want a federal government that is taking our country in a totally different direction than it has been for 245 years, and getting away from freedom and liberty and constitutional authority and a country ruled by law, not by by edict or by fiat,” Babin said. LISTEN

9 Comments on Congressman warns vaccine mandate for Navy SEALS could be ‘very detrimental’ to national security

  1. “it seems like that they want a federal government that is taking our country in a totally different direction than it has been for 245 years, and getting away from freedom and liberty and constitutional authority and a country ruled by law, not by by edict or by fiat,”

    Yep, always has been. No doubt about it. That’s not the question.

    The question is, what are we going to DO about it?

    The courts are rigged.

    The vote is rigged.

    If that’s all we’re going to try, just figure on lining up for your rations Monday, if the government decides you’re worthy and doesn’t kill you with a mandatory drug first, that is…

  2. Working as intended. Divide people by race, color, religion, gender, sexual preference, class and now by vaccine! Divide people in every possible way imaginable and call it “Unity”!!

  3. Brad: Joe already has Seal blood on his hands. remember when he outed Seal Team 6 for killing Bin Laden, and the subsequent shoot down of their helicopter? Yeah, he is trying to get rid of them.

  4. Brian Babin is an Air Force veteran and my congressman. I have spoken to him on several occasions. His son, Leif Babin, was a Navy SEAL. Leif is married to Jenna Lee, former FOX News anchor. Although Brian Babin is a good guy, I think he needs to be more outspoken about the corruption of the Biden administration.

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