Congressmen Demand Investigation into DHS Georgia Hack – IOTW Report

Congressmen Demand Investigation into DHS Georgia Hack

Specifically, Chaffetz and Hice want Roth to investigate whether or not DHS “conduct[ed] an unauthorized scan of the Georgia Secretary of State’s computer network(s)? If so, who authorized the scan(s)? Has the Department conducted an unauthorized scan(s) of any other state’s systems?” and “if so, which states did DHS scan without authorization?”  MORE


6 Comments on Congressmen Demand Investigation into DHS Georgia Hack

  1. Georgia should claim that it was the DOT and the Democrap party in collusion with Russian hackers and demand that Congress appoint a special investigator to ferret out the truth!

  2. DHS is becoming a major problem. On Thursday, under the guise of “protecting the vote” from hackers, DHS laid out it’s plan to federalize election oversight right down to the local level:

    And Eric Holder is running around claiming that the Republicans are “fixing” elections:

  3. @Meerkat Brzezinski:

    DHS is becoming a major problem.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, DHS started out as a major problem and has only been getting worse. What if the fusion centers are staffed with the same caliber personnel as the TSA?

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