Connecticut: 7th grade teacher details fantasies with minor students to Project Veritas – IOTW Report

Connecticut: 7th grade teacher details fantasies with minor students to Project Veritas

Project Veritas reporters spoke to the 7th grade dean at Greens Farms Academy in Connecticut, and detailed the sexual fantasies that he has about his students. This is part of Veritas ongoing series exposing the problems with American schools.

The undercover journalist heard a detailed account from Imran Rasti, who also serves as an English teacher at the school, of how he sees the female students in his class. He claimed that students intentionally spread their legs and show their panties to him.  more here

9 Comments on Connecticut: 7th grade teacher details fantasies with minor students to Project Veritas

  1. Drinking water before bed burns… skip ad
    Drinking water before bed burns… skip ad
    Drinking water before bed burns… skip ad
    Can’t get out of the advertising… but I get the general idea.
    FIle this one under AFU!

  2. Interesting. I usually go and do a quick search to see where, on major search engines, anyone else is reporting on news stories and what they’re saying. In this case a search of Greens Farms Academy, the first corroborating story was from the Heartford Courant (think NYTs), found at about the 20th search result. The Courant alleges nothing; they pound Project Veritas into the dirt. The second search result was in the middle of the 2nd page of search results; this one from msnbc. msnbc at least wrote more details about the seriousness of the PV tapes and what the school was doing about it. Very little more info.

    The Westchester police are doing nothing so far.

  3. “He claimed that students intentionally spread their legs and show their panties to him.”

    …and in his world, mentally ill minors flashing him makes child rape OK?

    “Imran Rasti”

    …a follower of the “religion” founded by a self-admitted, unrepentant pedophile, most likely.

    What could posdibly go wrong…

  4. He’ll get a pass since he’s from Iran and is obviously Islamic. Why don’t they just fire this bastard, revoke his teaching certificate permanently and send him back to Iran where belongs. And if he ever comes back to the US legally or more than likely illegally, summarily execute him preferably by stoning him to death like his pisslamic buddies would do to him. No mercy, no quarter or let the girl’s dad’s that he’s ogling sexually take care of him, that seems fair.

  5. Ann Nonymous Prime NOVEMBER 12, 2022 AT 1:17 PM
    “He was fired.”

    …interesting that the paper (from the link in your article) spends a paragraph attacking Project Veritas for exposing a pedophile, along with all the OTHER criminal stuff that they get Democrats to freely and proudly admit to…

    “Project Veritas, described as a far right-wing activist group, was created by conservative James O’Keefe in 2011. The group is often accused of producing deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings. Critics have stated that the nonprofit employs highly deceptive editing to attack targets such as teachers’ unions.”

  6. The Hartford Courant is a damnable rag of a newspaper. If Project Veritas is all of the things the HC accuses them of being, then why did Greens Farms Academy fire the guy so quickly? Huh? Huh, Hartford Courant?


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