Connecticut asks nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients to ease overburdened hospitals – IOTW Report

Connecticut asks nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients to ease overburdened hospitals

Post Millennial: In a new memo issued this month, the Connecticut Department of Public Health has asked nursing homes and other post-acute care facilities to accept COVID-19 positive patients discharged from hospitals as the state looks to alleviate overburdened hospitals.

The new guidance, released in a memo on January 6, says post-acute care facilities, a category of healthcare facilities that includes skilled nursing facilities, long-term care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and home health agencies, should take in patients discharged from a hospital “…regardless of COVID-19 status.” more here

27 Comments on Connecticut asks nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients to ease overburdened hospitals

  1. which begs the question: if COVID-19 positive patients have been discharged from hospitals why would ‘the state’ look ‘to alleviate overburdened hospitals’ by throwing these people into nursing homes?

    … they want us ‘great unwashed’ dead. the old & the young weak go first

  2. Hell, NO!

    Every governor who sent covid positive patient into nursing home should be charged with murder.

    They wanted to kill them off to save on SS payments. Damn them all to hell.

    Sorry for the language. I can’t imagine my mom suffering in the nursing home without letting us visit her. I’m so glad she went to Heaven before all this started. Still, I ache for those who had to go through it…and still are.

  3. Similar to what the seks predator and elderly-kyller Andrew Cuomo purposefully did, only he forced the covid-infected into nursing homes with the result of many non-covid patients dying. This is a scheme by the sly lil 4foot billionaire-toad Michael Bloomberg (of Bloomberg News) and Cuomo who both previously and jointly schemed and advocated kylling off elderly which has now, 2 years later, come to fruition.

  4. “… COVID-19 positive patients discharged from hospitals as the state looks to alleviate overburdened hospitals …”

    If the patients are “discharged from hospitals” how are they contributing to “overburdened [ing]” hospitals?

    I don’t get it. I smell BULLSHIT!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Hospitals are overburdened because they enforced the COVID Mandates, firing a segment of their Doctors, Nurses and support staff.
    Better get your loved ones out of the Nursing Homes before the state kills them.

  6. Ok smarties, how about they put em up in your house. If hospitals are being overwhelmed, they need to go somewhere. Talk about stupid answers here, they take the cake.

  7. “Connecticut asks nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients to ease overburdened hospitals“

    “Democrats ask nursing homes to bolster COVID-19 positive cases to undermine the 2022 midterms elections”.

    There, I fixed the headline to reflect reality.

  8. Besides, the president has been set in the court system. Cuomo and Witmer both got away with murdering tens of thousands of elderly. Why stop a good thing?

    We resist or we die.


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