Connecticut Dem introduces 50% tax on ammunition, calling it ‘public health measure’ – IOTW Report

Connecticut Dem introduces 50% tax on ammunition, calling it ‘public health measure’


A Democratic Connecticut state legislator introduced a bill on Monday that would raise the tax on ammunition in the state by 50 percent, prompting an immediate condemnation by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and concerns from legal observers that the legislation would be unconstitutional.

In a video uploaded to Twitter, Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, a freshman legislator from Hartford, said that a companion bill was being introduced in the state Senate by fellow freshman Democrat Will Haskell. (Haskell, at age 22, became Connecticut’s youngest-ever elected legislator last year.)

“Currently, ammunition is taxed at the same rate as other products, but we want to increase it by 50 percent, because we see it as a prevention measure,” Gilchrest says in the video. “For example, if someone were to buy a 50 cartridge box of ammunition, which goes for about $10, it would increase the price to $15.” more here

25 Comments on Connecticut Dem introduces 50% tax on ammunition, calling it ‘public health measure’

  1. I like it… I don’t live in Connecticut, so… Let them pass it. Then we move to get SCOTUS to strike down all taxes, and I mean every last tariff, sales tax, transfer tax, license fee, etc…, on firearms & ammunition as unconstitutional.

  2. So minorities in poor ares can’t purchase ammo now. This is racist. No joke. I’m still looking for that hoodie I saw the other day that said “Any Gun Law Is Racists”. It’s true.

  3. This idiot did an infomercial. As dumb as you would expect.
    “Bullets cost $9.50 for a Box”. You can rarely buy a box of 50 9 mil hard ball for about that much. BULLETS ARE THE ACTUAL PROJECTILE. DUMMY. 45 acp will run you over $10.50, 44 mag your up to $25.00, 45-70 I’m thinking your way past $30.00 for 20, Creedmoor, $45.00 for 20. Lapua is about $3.00 a round, 50 BCG is about $6.00 a round, and that’s a deal.
    What the fuck is she talking about?

  4. Is she using progressive math or just the usual lying. The idiot sponsoring the legislation says:

    “Currently, ammunition is taxed at the same rate as other products, but we want to increase it by 50 percent, because we see it as a prevention measure,” Gilchrest says in the video. “For example, if someone were to buy a 50 cartridge box of ammunition, which goes for about $10, it would increase the price to $15.”

    The example she cites (raising the price on ammo by 50%) is a far cry from simply raising the existing tax by 50%. If the existing sales tax for goods is 10%, raising the tax by 50% would result in a 5 cent per dollar tax – 50 cents total in the example she uses. What she actually wants is to raise the PRICE of ammo by 50%, not raise the existing tax by 50%.

    Of course by watching the video of her I could readily identify her as a brain dead moron ….. which also means she is likely a leftist which means she is also a lying hack.

  5. Democrats should be charged a tax on their stupidity and ignorance. I believe that would give them a chance to reflect on their own dumbness.
    Then again, they still couldn’t figure it out.

  6. I’d like to hear a detailed logical explanation of the exact mechanism of how this ammo tax would work as any kind of preventive measure to improve public health.

    But, since voter registration and voting fraud are damaging trust in our democratic electoral system, maybe we could apply the same logic (once they’ve expressed it if they do) and institute a poll tax as a preventive measure against fraudulent voter registration and voting.

    I wish the totalitarians in government would at least be honest in publicly expressing their intentions instead of trying to convince the stupid they mean well and have noble intentions.

  7. Connecticut?
    Wasn’t that the state where one of the more brutal home invasion and multiple murders took place?
    Couple of years ago?

    I suppose all the bad people moved to New York?

    Hard to say. All those North East shitholes have similarities.
    Maine, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Taxachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut … maybe it’s something in the water …
    (hahaha … just kidding, by the way … before anyone shits a brick …)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. We are in a hum here in Connecticut. Someone asked where the money from this tax will go. It will go the way of all taxes here, into the General Fund where the major portion of it will go to the State unions to support their retirement pensions and healthcare for life. Our unfunded liability for pension obligations stands at about 127 Billion dollars. That breaks down to something like $37,500 for every resident of Connecticut. Other taxes being proposed are taxes on medicine, groceries and tolls on all of the major roads here. The Dem/Prog controlled legislature is driving businesses and higher income tax payers out of the State.
    As for the ammo tax, we will simply drive to New Hampshire, about a two hour ride, and buy a truck load there. Even if it ends up costing about the same in gas and time, I’d rather give the business to another state than to Connecticut. People do that now to avoid the tax on liquor but going to Massachusetts.
    As for this twit Rep from West Hartford, which is one of the more wealthy towns here, I saw a post on her twitter feed from January 24th or 26th of this year where she is disparaging the Covington boy Nick Sandmann for what she considered bad behavior. This after it has been proven over and over that he and his group did nothing wrong. Basically bullying a teenager. Just shows you how out of touch she really is. Typical Connecticut Prog. When they say “if it will save one life” I ask them, Okay, now do abortion.

  9. Be warned: they’re going to do this the same way they got the cigarette tax.
    Any tax that targets (no pun intended) any minority or group of people should be declared unConstitutional

  10. And the bill will offset every new ammunition dollar with a dollar reduction in the current medical marijuana tax. Because it’s not about another socialist hand in the proles’ pants.

  11. Hey Nate,
    I lived next door to a guy in some apartments I lived in a long time ago. He got shot in the head twice with a .22 rifle. He had some neurological issues but he survived. He said when he came to, the kitchen floor was almost completely covered in his blood.
    Just sayin’

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