Connecticut to Free Citizens from ControlaVirus Lockdowns – IOTW Report

Connecticut to Free Citizens from ControlaVirus Lockdowns

Trending Politics-

Deep blue Connecticut will be following Texas’ and Mississippi’s lead and will free its citizens from unlawful COVID lockdowns starting on March 19th.

“Effective March 19 … Connecticut is lifting ALL capacity limits on restaurants, retail, libraries, personal services, indoor recreation, gyms, museums, offices & houses of worship,” reported New York affiliate NBC 4.

NBC 4 reported Connecticut’s most recent COVID numbers: more here

9 Comments on Connecticut to Free Citizens from ControlaVirus Lockdowns

  1. Joey has shit on everything enough that it’s not as obvious that lifting the scamdemic restraints was pre-scheduled after the Presidency was stolen from Trump.

    Letting the republican governors go first just gives the plan some cover.


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