Conservatism Is Not A Suicide Pact – IOTW Report

Conservatism Is Not A Suicide Pact

Kurt Schlichter: The whiny wailing and rending of garments (mostly bow ties) by the True Cons over President Trump pardoning Sheriff Joe Arpaio brings to mind another president’s choice when a loyal supporter was the victim of a liberal witch hunt. President Bush was an honorable man, but the way he allowed Scooter Libby and the Libby family to be ruined and impoverished over what everyone knew was a skeevy liberal political vendetta before issuing a partial commutation is to W’s lasting shame. His excuse: the Rule of Law or something.

But, as anyone willing to see knows, today the Rule of Law is a unicorn and it has been for a long time. I like the Rule of Law, and I’ve been warning for years about what happens when it goes away. Yet we are where we are, whether we like it or not. We’re in a land where the law is only intermittently and selectively applicable. Allowing allies to suffer in an effort to pretend that all is well is not going to bring the Rule of Law back. Nostalgia for the Rule of Law no excuse for tolerating an injustice to an ally. Hell, undoing injustices is what the pardon power is for.

What will bring the Rule of Law back? How do we get to the Conserva-Eden we are expected to act like we already reside it? Perhaps another statement of principle? Maybe another post on some unread conservajournal? I know – how about more complaining about how frustrated conservatives are uncouth and should just sit there and take whatever fascist garbage the left dishes out?

I always thought it was conservative to punish wrongdoers. The other side abandoned the Rule of Law, so I would think that they might – maybe – learn a lesson by experiencing the consequences of their bad choice. But apparently punishing wrongdoers is now off the table because some other principle, of which I was unaware during nearly four decades inside conservatism, requires we never ever retaliate.

You know, I’m not sure that’s a thing. And I have to say – it’s tiresome getting Rule of Law lectures from people who are perfectly happy to have the president ignore immigration laws that they don’t dig.

So, my finger-wagging True Con friends, what’s your plan? How do we go from liberals abandoning the Rule of Law, and such ancillary and associated components of a society based on liberty like free speech and free enterprise, to a liberty-based society operating under the Rule of Law? “Elect more True Cons!” isn’t a plan; it’s an aspiration, and not much of one. I don’t need another cliché, or another citation to general principles, or some variant of my new favorite, all-purpose get-out-of-having-an-actual-plan-free card, the old “We’re better than this” line.

8 Comments on Conservatism Is Not A Suicide Pact

  1. Wussy’s are worried about the rule of law. President Trump over rode the will of a leftist judge. There was no jury involved. The Sheriff was denied a Constitutional trial by jury,President Trump dumped on a despotic, self centered judge more interested in a personal vendetta than the law.
    I hope the judge is redirected into meaninful employment.

  2. Doing the right thing in the face of adversity has positive results. We must encourage Joe Arpaio to run against Flake in next year’s Arizona senate race. SENATOR Joe Arpaio – – now THAT would be a positive result.

  3. Nancy Pelosi actually condemned Anti-Fa before Mitt Romney would. Romney still hasn’t. The anti-Trump GOP establishment are completely full of shit and completely stupid. Their unwillingness to compromise with anybody except the far left shows that they are either not conservatives or that they are stupid beyond all rhyme or reason.

  4. NEXT:
    1-Disband the mueller debacle;
    2-FULLY, open investigations of Hillary;
    3-FULLY and criminally investigate FAST AND FURIOUS;
    4-FULLY audit congress persons accounts;
    5-FULLY investigate and audit all of Obama’s departments, including his giving away American funds without accountability or authorization.
    6-Repeal, do not replace Obamacare.
    7-BUILD THAT WALL! Obama gave tons of money away to and for, whatever-the-heck-he wanted. Use that method to pay for the wall!!

    Only a beginning.

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