Conservative Bolivia Re-establishes Relations with U.S. After 11 Years – IOTW Report

Conservative Bolivia Re-establishes Relations with U.S. After 11 Years

Breitbart: The new conservative administration in Bolivia re-established relations with the United States on Tuesday, weeks after far-left leader Evo Morales resigned from office after rigging the outcome of his fourth presidential election.

Foreign Minister Karen Longaric nominated the country’s former ambassador to the United Nations, Walter Serrante, Bolivia’s new ambassador to the United States, thus resuming diplomatic relations between the two countries for the first time in 11 years. The U.S. Congress must now approve his nomination.

Ties between the two countries collapsed in 2008 after Morales accused the U.S. ambassador, Phillip Goldberg, of meddling in the country’s internal affairs by supporting anti-communist opposition and expelled him from the country.

After flexing his “anti-imperialist” credentials, Morales instead sought to recalibrate his foreign policy around strong relationships with other socialist regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Iran. In a tit-for-tat move, the Bush administration also removed Bolivia’s ambassador to Washington, Gustavo Guzman, from his office.

The resuming of diplomatic ties represents another move in Latin America away from Cuban-inspired communism under former senator and staunch anti-socialist President Jeanine Áñez.

Immediately after taking office, Áñez broke off diplomatic ties with Castro’s Cuba and the Maduro regime in Venezuela, both of which have now lost a vital regional ally. Áñez also joined the majority of of Western democracies in formally recognizing Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó as legitimate. Áñez also dismissed all of Bolivia’s ambassadors appointed under Morales except for those to the Vatican and Peru. read more

4 Comments on Conservative Bolivia Re-establishes Relations with U.S. After 11 Years

  1. Does Bolivia have an Energy Board looking for someone with no aptitude, experience, or the ability to speak the language? Client has drug, sex, and alcohol addiction issues. Requests that you not ask about integrity, honesty, fidelity, or wisdom. FBI, CIA, and MSM will cover for him.

  2. One thing to remember is that while Morales is a hard left commie he did wrest power away from the multi-nationals who, with the help of bent politicians were screwing the country (and the people) out of any fair share of the resources being hauled out. I’d hate like hell to see the situation return to what it was any more then I’d like to see a return of Morales.
    With luck they’ll get a strong western leaning leader not afraid to take on the multi-nationals to ensure a fair deal.


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