Conservative Justices Now Preside Over Every Circuit Court Key To Trump’s Victory – IOTW Report

Conservative Justices Now Preside Over Every Circuit Court Key To Trump’s Victory

National File:

SCOTUS has confirmed new circuit assignments that result in conservative justices having jurisdiction over almost all states key to Trump’s victory.

Following the death of SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September, President Trump appointed Amy Coney Barrett to replace her in the courts. With a new justice in SCOTUS, there also needed to be a reshuffle of the control of the circuit courts.

Each SCOTUS justice presides over one or more of America’s 13 court circuits as a circuit justice. As SCOTUSblog explains:

A circuit justice is primarily responsible for emergency requests (for example, an application to block an execution or to allow it to go forward) from the geographic area covered by his or her circuit, as well as more mundane matters, such as requests to extend filing deadlines. However, justices can and often do refer significant emergency requests to the full court – a role that has taken on increased importance in recent years with the sharp uptick in activity on the court’s “shadow docket.”

SCOTUS’s so-called “shadow docket” for the circuits is especially important in the cases relating to the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, where President Trump and his campaign team are contesting many of the early results in certain key states. Justice Alito granted such an emergency stay on the shadow docket relating to the election in Pennsylvania.


9 Comments on Conservative Justices Now Preside Over Every Circuit Court Key To Trump’s Victory

  1. Sorry to start off O/T, but it is connected to the iopic the global elitists attempt to steal our election.

    On this the 57th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination, it’s important to listen to his words of warning and remember Donald Trump was his son’s best friend….

  2. “Following the death of SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in September…”

    Remember the lefty meltdown over RBG’s death?

    When PRESIDENT Trump is certified for a second term, the lefty meltdown is going to be “APOCALYPTICALLY APOPLECTIC!” 🥳

  3. The various Courts as well as the Supreme Court, should it accept an appeal to it, are not going to somehow declare Trump the winner and Biden the loser.

    The Electoral College or Congress will decide that.

    So what actual relief is being asked for in all these suits? It has to be something the Courts can actually grant or it won’t be given even if they are successful in the overall suit.

  4. @Charlie WalksonWater November 22, 2020 at 3:15 pm

    I haven’t set up an account on Gab. Right now I’m just a lurker, but I’m on it constantly. It’s a great source of intel.

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