Conservative leaders plead with media- Stop citing SPLC – IOTW Report

Conservative leaders plead with media- Stop citing SPLC

Conservative leaders and groups slandered as ‘racist’ ‘hate groups’ by the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center are fed up and want the mainstream media to wake up .

17 Comments on Conservative leaders plead with media- Stop citing SPLC

  1. The MSM loves the SPLC. Conserative leaders are wasting their time trying to get the leftist media to change what anti-conservative propaganda they put out. It would be more effective to target advertisers. Cut off the MSM’s money, and see how that works out for them.

  2. I’ve said it before. I was serious when I said we have to Alinsky this outfit by suing the fuck outta them AND starting a counter-SPLC called the Southern Middle-Class Law Center and list nothing but true hate groups (all Leftists of course) such as Antifa, Neo-Nazis (National SOCIALISTS), Democrat-founded KKK, Bloomieberg-funded anti-gun Moms Demand Action, SEIU and other unions, etc.

  3. SPLC fits the msm’s skewed perception to a tee. The uninformed viewer would not know the truth without some investigation. Perhaps the millions of dollars SPLC transferred offshore might peak a little interest. It certainly should affect future donations, excluding Clooney and his idiotic friends.

  4. “Plead” my ass.

    Every time someone mentions the SPLC the commenter should say: “Oh! That Neo-Nazi Anti-America gaggle of lawyers and misfits who fund domestic terrorist groups? Yeah, they started out as a ComIntern (Communist International) Front group and later, when the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop accord was signed, accepted the positions of the National Socialists! THAT SPLC?”

    Do it EACH and EVERY time the SPLC is mentioned.

    But, of course, the “conservatives” have no balls and will continue to plead, whine, and beg to be liked.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Because pointing out that the publisher claiming to believe SPLC, proves themselves not only fake news but laughably gullible, as well? I suppose that might make fake news, that already hates me, not like me, as much.

  6. @Tim
    You hit the nail right on the head my friend!

    Unfortunately it’s President Trump and a small band of Patriots around him. Almost every republican is against him so they’ll never say those words. However all of the Presidents spokesmen should sing that mantra at every opportunity.

    “Every time someone mentions the SPLC the commenter should say: “Oh! That Neo-Nazi Anti-America gaggle of lawyers and misfits who fund domestic terrorist groups? Yeah, they started out as a ComIntern (Communist International) Front group and later, when the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop accord was signed, accepted the positions of the National Socialists! THAT SPLC?”

    Do it EACH and EVERY time the SPLC is mentioned.”

  7. “I say we get on a bus drive down there. Wait outside their building and beat the crap out of them.”

    @ I’m Not PC – good idea except that the SPLC Leftists would give their fellow Leftists in the Democrat-founded KKK a heads-up and the Democrat-founded KKK and the KKK’s Antifa brethren would meet our bus with a bunch of overall-wearing inbred hillbillies armed with shotguns and such-like.

    Pretty much like they did back in the 60’s where the Left killed three Republican civil-rights activists.

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