Conservative Millennial Claims to Know How to Convert His Liberal Peers – IOTW Report

Conservative Millennial Claims to Know How to Convert His Liberal Peers

RUSH: We have Andy. He’s 24-years-old from Buford, Georgia. Andy, I’m glad you waited. It’s your turn. Make it count.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. It’s a pleasure to talk to you. I just wanted to talk about how I’ve been successful in converting liberals and socialists before into conservatives, especially from the Millennial age group.

RUSH: You what? You’ve been successful in converting leftist Millennials to conservatives?

CALLER: Yes, I have, and I’ve actually figured out a method in doing it, and I’d like to share it with you.

RUSH: No kidding. Wait, and these are fellow — like you’re 24, and these people are the same age as you?

CALLER: Yeah. They are in college as well.

RUSH: College as well. Cool. Okay. I’m intrigued. So many people would love to know how to do this and they’ve turned to me for advice. You know, I’ve got my own theories, but how have you done it?

CALLER: All right. So when you open up to them, when you begin to talk to them about these issues and things like that, you need to approach them without any logic and without any rationale. You need to approach them with emotion and you need to resonate with them.

RUSH: Okay. Let’s do this using an issue. Give me an issue that you — now, we’ve only got 30 seconds here; so I’ll have to hold you through the break. But get started. Give me an issue that you have succeeded in changing some people’s minds on.

CALLER: Okay. So, for example, like in socialism the whole thing about the rich give away to the poor and socially distribute money back into the community, right?

RUSH: Okay. That socialism works, that that kind of thinking leads to prosperity. You have convinced them that’s not true?


RUSH: Okay. Good. Good. Well, hang on. Hang on. Maintain your train of thought here. We will rejoin you in a matter of moments.


RUSH: Okay. We’ve got 24-year-old Andy on the phone with us from Buford, Georgia. He is a college student, and he says that he has been successful in converting Millennials away from liberalism, socialism to conservatism by approaching them emotionally rather than rationally and intellectually.

And the example I asked him to give, he’s been able to convince them their belief that socialism — which means taking from the rich and the government redistributing for fairness and equality so that everybody has a lot of money — is bogus and doesn’t work. Two things. How do you do this, give me an example of how you approach emotionally, and how long does it take you? How long do you have to stick with them before this actually happens?

CALLER: All right. So I’ll say, about how long it takes, it will usually take at least about six months. It’s a long process.

RUSH: Six months. Okay. Half a year.

CALLER: Yeah. It takes a while because, like for the old redistribution, in order to convince them of it or to at least broach the topic, you need to softly and slowly introduce them to ideas like, “Well, okay. Are you all right with stealing? Isn’t that considered a version of stealing since you’re taking away from someone that has earned that money and given to someone who has done nothing to earn it?” And you slowly broach these subjects with slowly giving them bits and pieces of logic to the point to where they can slowly handle it and then, over time, within a few months ago, they should be able to rationally talk with you about a subject. Then after that you can slowly convert them over to —

RUSH: Okay.

CALLER: — conservatism.

RUSH: I have heard of the random college professor — and this is indeed random — who’s tried to do your theory using grades. He’s told the class that, “You know, the last test was really good. About 10% of you got A’s, another 20% of you got B’s, but the rest of the people got C’s and D’s. And so, to spread this around, those of you who got A’s I’m switching you to C’s and I’m giving part of your grade to the people that flunked. And those of you who got B’s I’m taking a little bit away from you so that some who got D’s got C’s. And when I finish, everybody in here is gonna get a C. Are we okay with this?”

And of course they scream and holler in protest saying, “You can’t do that.” But it doesn’t change their minds about socialism in general. They still vote Democrat even though they’ve had it explained. But that only happens one time. You’re saying you have to stick with them six months on this.

CALLER: So one thing that you can’t do is you can’t bring shock into their systems with it. You have to make it to where it’s acceptable. You can’t do it all at once, you can’t do it all of a sudden. I learned that they’ll just shut you out if you do that. Keep Reading

15 Comments on Conservative Millennial Claims to Know How to Convert His Liberal Peers

  1. Great advice! It sounds like the same approach when talking to a nonbeliever about Jesus Christ. People’s defenses are way up on politics and religion. Drop a little piece of info, wait for a while, drop another bit, wait….let it marinate..

  2. I heard it today and I think the guy has the right idea about being patient and to take it in small doses.
    But he oversold his abilities as well.

    The only way to sway a point of view is to ask simple questions that can really only have one logical answer and cause the responder to eventually arrive at the same conclusion, responder having thought of it himself. Lure him into arriving upon the proper conclusion on his own.

    I’ve been using this tactic on an old friend for years with mixed results. I haven’t totally succeeded.

    Dumb shit and “common knowledge” is in the liberal bloodstream.

    I commend him for trying.

  3. I’ve read Scott Adams (Dilbert) where he says that people don’t make rational decisions. They like to think they do, but most decisions are made based upon emotions. It is after that decision is made that people rationalize their decision. I think there is a lot to his theory.
    Trying to reason with a liberal/socialist is, more often than not, a waste of time.

  4. RUSH: Six months. Okay. Half a year.

    This type of insightful analysis is exactly what I expect of Rush these days. He repeats what was on the internet the day before and expands on it just like the guys that need to explain to me what just happened on the last hole of the Masters or the State of the Union Address I just heard.

    Which mostly and completely offends me. I have enough functional brain cells for cognitive function to produce my own conclusions.

    Listening to Rush these days is like listening to someone having to explain the joke to the idiot in the group. It kills the joke and makes the one explained to seem like even a bigger idiot.

    Anybody know what feeds Rush uses? He calls his schtick the EIB (Excellence In Broadcasting) Network. Bullshit. I don’t think Rush employs even a single field reporter that gathers data, interviews any one at all.

    I think Rush ought to work a bit harder for what he earns. Generate some content Rush, don’t just leach.

  5. Lowell
    Ironically I had to stop listening to him during the Obamanation years. Couldn’t handle his shrieking. I can listen to him now and I think he’s doing a pretty good job peeling back the bull shit and exposing the truth.

    I have a sister in law, whom I love dearly, went to one of those big SoCal Universities. Then onto some prestigious San Diego Law School. Came back a lib. Her father, an ex marine D.I., use to just feaken go off on her. She stick to her Lib bull shit around her siblings, but according to her daughters I converted her long ago and she’s a closet Trump supporter.

  6. Was listening live to this, in traffic, on the Bruckner Expressway today.

    This young man is a patriot on the front lines.

    Like most any thing else, patience is required.

    Great Radio.


  7. People in their 20’s have had nearly 20 years of pro-socialism indoctrination, from Sesame Street through graduate school. If anyone can turn them around in 6 months, kudos to them. And to Rush as well. He is the strongest voice in support of President Trump we have. His audience is what, 20 million? Not everyone in that audience is as “sophisticated “ as Lowell,; his presentation has to have broad appeal.

  8. The millennial has done this to “about 5 people” and two of them have converted, “3 are moderate.” He mostly hangs out with men, doesn’t do this with women “very often.” Soon after he says he has “converted 2 women.”

    That says to me has converted no men, only 2 women, and 3 dudes are moderates. He had just said he has more experience with men.

    I smell bullshit.

  9. I tell liberals that they are free to practice socialism in this country but don’t include me or anyone else who doesn’t want to participate. This always gets them thinking at least for thirty seconds or so.


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