Conservative stars Buck Sexton, Clay Travis to take over Rush Limbaugh radio show time slot – IOTW Report

Conservative stars Buck Sexton, Clay Travis to take over Rush Limbaugh radio show time slot

Just The News: Conservative radio hosts Buck Sexton and Clay Travis are slated to take over the late Rush Limbaugh’s time slot on Premier Networks, the distributor of the show announced Thursday.

“We’re not going to replace Rush Limbaugh, we’re going to have an evolution of the show with fresh voices – those that grew up on Rush and admired him,” Julie Talbott, president of iHeartMedia Inc.’s Premiere Networks, said Thursday, according to The Wall Street Journal.

“The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show” begins at 3 p.m. eastern time starting June 21. more

40 Comments on Conservative stars Buck Sexton, Clay Travis to take over Rush Limbaugh radio show time slot

  1. Why is Clay Travis being touted as a conservative? In his own words, he is a Radical Moderate, pro-choice, anti death penalty, voted for Obama X2, voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, and has never voted for a Republican.

  2. I’m confused when I read the story. Rush’s show has continued with “Guide Hosts” since he passed. So, no more of that then and these two get his slot with EIB approval? So, from 9-12 it’s these guys or Dan Bongino?

    I miss Rush.

  3. WMAL in DC has already gone to Dan Bongino for the 12-3 est time slot as of Monday.
    Then they juggled the whole schedule. Afternoon guy (Larry O’Connor) is now the morning guy.
    Morning guy (Vince colonaise(sp??) is now the afternoon guy.

    It takes some getting used to.

  4. Apparently Rush was on several different networks. We listened to him on EIB which I believe was by far the largest. I don’t think they plan on changing their current format anytime soon.

  5. Rush Limbaugh the product (not to be taken as an offensive remark) and the guest hosts did very well, but the show can’t go on like that forever.

    Sadly, it’s the end of an era.

    The radio Biz is about drawing listeners.

    I miss Rush too.

  6. Miss Rush for sure! Found Mark Kaye show when he was on 10 to noon out of Jacksonville FL before Rush passed. He’s now Noon to 3 there and in Ohio WHIO. Definitely not Rush but it’s a great fun and energetic show talking about the weird Democrats. All news. Check it out.

  7. Rush was so unique, influential dynamic, loving, generous and a stellar patriot. He gave no quarter to the left.
    However, when he died, I knew it would eventually be time to finally say goodbye to Rush. Guess the time has come.

    Listening to Rush’s show guests hosts and Rush’s past show clips just made me sad and mournful. His show has just become an on going memorial that just makes me miss him more.

    Time to move on. Rush would probably want that, too. Not excited about the lukewarm show hosts replacing his time slot. They just aren’t conservative enough.

    Besides, no one will replace our Rush Limbaugh. Yet, if God decides, hopefully, He will send us another conservative master of the airwaves, “America’s Anchorman” and “humble little fuzzball”, who can tear the left to shreads.

  8. @99thSquadLeader
    I hear ya. I’ve been waiting for a formal announcement that someone was going to fill in permanently or something. Rush will become Paul Harvey with notable minute messages or maybe Kasey Casem Best odd on Sundays. I haven’t listened to Dan Bongino very much and did on Wednesday. Not feel in’ it. It looks like it’s going to take a herd of hosts to replace dear Rush.

  9. I’m going to have to try and find a station online (via interwebz) instead of listening to the usual over-the-air radio.

  10. Don’t know who these two are but I’m glad they didn’t give it to Mark Steyn. Smart guy but I can take him only in very small doses before he begins to grate.

  11. Impossible to replace a phenom.

    I guess somebody had to try to fill the void. Glad it’s not me.

    I would have preferred Mark Steyn.

    Where is Steyn, anyway? I haven’t heard a peep from him since all of this went down.

    Of course, I am an OANN guy now so I don’t see Tucker anymore. Has Steyn been around?

  12. You’re right, illustr8r. We can look forward to Rush minute or more quotes/messages as daily inspiration (probably on his website in his honor), just like our other conservative legend Paul Harvey. It would put things in better perspective.

  13. I mourn Rush’s passing as if a family member passed. Hearing his voice in the morning made each day right.

    No one can replace him. They shouldn’t try. However, Bo Snerdly (James Golden) is getting a podcast about his life with Rush. That should be fun.

  14. rich taylor- thanks! Been wondering where she went off to.

    Bongino has a 12-3 spot (I think) but it’s not THE 12-3 spot.
    I get Buck Sexton, but WITH Clay Travis? (Never heard him say he was a Conservative)

    I don’t know, I’m over radio. Except for Howie Carr.
    I don’t even live in New England but when he talks about it, it’s like I know those idiot politicians. lol. Plus the callers are pretty fun.

  15. really miss rush! i hate when they use him on commercials…i like bongino’s podcast, but don’t think the three hour thing suits him…there are very few people on the radio more boring than buck sexton…

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